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Adrian Turner

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Posts posted by Adrian Turner

  1. There were a couple of people with bluetooth communications, i have found where to get the helmet ones that Chris Able was wearing, does anyone know where to get the headset type ones?

    Not to sure, i'll bet nick or james will be along to help out on that front :P

    What happened to you at the weekend??? how did you get on with the new tyre's/axle's???

  2. Would that be the slight mishap were you went end over end before barrel rolling twice and finally lying on your side...?

    Or the one where you tried to push a tree through the side of your head :lol:

    That was a superb roll, in fact it was so good that Gary Zoller tried to copy you later in the day but the judges only award half marks as he only barrel rolled with no end over end :rolleyes:

    I'm sure he will try harder next time :lol:

    Filipie you would have laughed yourself silly :D

    Good effort Mate B)


    Ps: No body was seriously hurt making this offroad comedy :) only wounded pride and and some bent metal work.

    Pps: Very impressed with the cage, hardly a mark. 10 out of 10

    You forgot to add that the roll was on/down rock :o cage did it's job 100% :i-m_so_happy:

    All glass and roof light's still in one peice :P driver on the other hand still got a screw loose :ph34r:

  3. Loved every minute of it....

    Myself & Nev were humbled to win the team spirit award as it is such a large part of the ethos of the whole "Rainforest" event & voted for by the fellow competitors...Thank you it means a lot!! :rolleyes:


    Jack Daniels,

    Elton John,


    Jonny English,

    EO !!


    Watching the sunrise!!



    Elastic band of doom!

    I would recommend it to any one... Cant wait for next year!!

    Obrigado...Gracias ;);)

    We need a bigger band next year ;):o:P

  4. Driving glasses might be better, he does have a tendency to drive into rocks at speed :lol:

    Looks like a good event from the photo's and talking to Jim & Adrian, if they make it a bit more technical, longer sections next year ill be going :)

    Next year thing's will be better, this year the section's were ripped apart as the car's have moved on, the same as over here. After talking to Agostinho at the end he said they will move/raise the bar for next year, so come on down mate, it would be good to get 4 car's down there next year. I've already got one other car comeing with me next year :unsure::P If your reading this Agostinho that's 2 already mate :lol: And you had :lol: better leave your mobile with somebody............. your going to get wet! :lol:

  5. We got back last night, if you take out the boat trip it's the same driving distance going to the Tay for us down south :P

    Great event, great people, great place :) this year the weather suited us as it was overcast and rained :rolleyes: section's were way, way to easy for this type of high profile event.......... they need to raise the bar.

    There was way way way to much waiting about, we sat at lunch on 1 day for 2hr's and then did a quick section plus some road book then sat for 4hr's .......... god that was boring :rolleyes:

    As for our event we came in 4th.... happy with that as we damanged the steering box on day 2 after hitting a bridge wall and a large rock in the river :rolleyes: so we had no right turn for the rest of the event :rolleyes::lol:

    I'll be going back next year in my new car so if anybody want's to join me your more than wellcome, hopefully the sun will shine next year :lol:

    It was good to meet so many people that hopefully will become long time friends.... Filipe ( cant stay on my wheels) Santos, what a great guy, how do you stay so clean ;):lol::P Plus triple hole.... who was shot :o not long before the event started, hense the name :ph34r: Agostinho your a top bloke, we gave you hell :P hope you recover :lol:

    Must mention Jonny on here as he help us with so much, down to getting the beer's in and sorting out the marshall's for us........ see you next year matey, if any of you are comeing over just let me know, your welcome at mine anytime.

    If anybody want's to know more about the event for next year then get in touch and i'll run through it with you.

    I'm sure KBE will be along with some pic's/video as he took load's :o

    Thats all for now more later.........

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