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Everything posted by Paul64

  1. Mine are 265/75R16 BFG MTs on Disco steels and rub like hell on my 110. The top of the rear spring retainers are now very highly polished!
  2. Thanks Chris, I will have a look on ebay. Shame about Craddocks as they are only 20 miles away from where I am staying! So did you use Disco steels on your last Defender? If so did you use spacers? Thanks, Just had a look at the Rakeway site and their spacers retail at £215.00 inc VAT per set of 4. If I am paying that much then surely a new set of rims makes more sense?
  3. OK, wolfs it is but what on earth is the reason for tubed rims being £27.50 and tubeless £40? Anyone know any good deals/packages going on a set of wolfs tubeless?
  4. Hi Chris, In retrospect I could have made several better choices, but unfortunately it is not easy to sell from a distance and there is little local market for such things. Bringing them back next time for a friend to sell would be an option though. Keen pricing for me is important, but at the moment the deals often discussed have passed. I know what you mean regarding the difference between wolfs and modulars, but have you ever bent or broken a modular? At the moment AJS only sells tubed wolfs with tyres. He said there is little market for tubeless, which reflects in the price. He sells tubed wolf rims at £27.50 and can get in tubeless for £40.
  5. I am leaning toward a new set of rims for my MT's which are the problem with the rubbing on spring retainers. The AT's on Disco steels I only use for trips back and to from the UK. The conversation I had with Andy at AJS yesterday was interesting. He reckons that 7J modulars are rated at the same strength as wolf rims? I had it in my head that Disco steels and wolfs were the strongest and modulars were less so? Anyway, I am pricing up some modulars at the moment which I will take back to Transylvania with me. My local tyre garage will fit an balance them for 6 RON per corner, about £1.30! Cheers, Paul
  6. Hi Sparq, The proposed date for the meeting in Derby is Wednesday November 19th. I hope that is a good day for you? I think it would be better to set a date and gauge interest from that. Would you be able to book it with the Brunswick? Is that a pub or social club? Cheers, Paul
  7. Thanks for that. Unfortunately their prices are up too! http://www.supertrux.com/acatalog/copy_of_Wheel_Spacers.html 5-165-1.50 wheel spacers will fit Defender 90, 110,Series 3, Range Rover Mk1, Discovery Mk1 30mm wheel spacers that bolt directly to the hub of your vehicle. You can then bolt your original wheel to the spacer. CNC machined from Billet Alloy, and manufactured to ISO9000 quality assurance standards. Our spacers are sold in sets of four. Price Including Shipping: £193.88 (Including: VAT at 17.5%) Cheers, Paul
  8. Just spoken with AJS 4x4 and they have told me that the Wolf rim is the wrong size for 265/75, and the price for tubless wolfs are £40 + VAT. They have said I should use 7J modulars which sell at £35 + VAT. Cheers, Paul
  9. Hi Mo, just found your comments on the subject back in March. I am still undecided on whether to buy new steels or go for spacers. I have two sets of tyres on Disco steels, AT's 7.50x16, which are no problem, but my MT's 265/75 sit far too close to the top of the spring retainer at the back. Full articulation causes serious rubbing. The Disco steels were cheap 2nd hand and very strong, so don't want to see them go but on the other hand I have to stop this rubbing without my wheels falling off! I see that paddocks sell the Rakeways, so will look into them. Anyone else have experience withe the Rakeway spacers? Paul
  10. I know you get what you pay for but there seems to be a huge price variation on 30mm wheel spacers. I have had quotes ranging from £140 to £260! My natural instinct tells me which to go for, but not so sure now after a conversation with Craddocks. Apparently they stocked the cheaper version which are apparently made in Japan, but said several were returned as some of the studs were popping out. Any opinions on this or recommendations on makes or suppliers? Thanks in advance
  11. Tried to register with Northern monkey but still waiting for authorisation. As soon as I can get a few names together and a consensus on dates i will be back in touch. Thanks for offer of use of venue and projector. Cheers, Paul
  12. Hi, Derby is not far away at all. Do you have an idea of how many would be interested in attending? Cheers, Paul
  13. Thanks David, that sounds good. I wanted to meet Anton earlier this year, but didn't manage to organise it, so if he can make it later this month that would be great. Hope your feeling better now, as I know you were looking forward to that beer! Cheers, Paul
  14. Hi David, Any news on venue or dates? The only other item needed would be a projector. I have done the presentation before directly from the laptop, but we were all huddled round and not very good if there are more than three people! Cheers, Paul
  15. Just having a lunch break from the backbreaking work of the septic tank! The pipes have just been laid and one builder said to the other to pour water down the pipe to see if it was water tight. We were all standing there staring down this pit when yellow liquid flowed out everywhere. The builder threw his arms in the air swearing thinking his mate had peed down the pipe, but it turned out the painter and decorator with a wry grin on his face had just washed his brushes after painting the kitchen walls yellow! It would be great if you could join us Matt. I will also have the Defender with me as I will be driving back from Transylvania. However, after swapping the wheels and tyres over this morning, she doesn't look half as impressive with AT's on! Cheers, Paul
  16. Hi David, that sounds great. If you could get some info on dates available that would be fantastic. If possible could you enquire for evenings between November 20-26th? It would also be good to guage if any of those dates would be good for other forum members and does not clash with any other events? The only other item required would be a projector that has USB or CD capability? Thanks again for your help. Paul P.S I am helping the builders with my septic tank today, so will be back on line this evening and two hours ahead!
  17. Thanks guys for the positive feedback The reason I mentioned locations between Shropshire and Norfolk is so I am within striking distance of relatives when finishing at 9pm during the week. However, I know many of you are down in the southwest, so thanks David for the offer to put me up. If I can get something together with a venue in your area I will be in touch soon. Cheers, Paul.
  18. Do the members of the forum have a monthly meet? The reason I ask is because as most of you know I run 4x4 tours in Transylvania, and will be over in the UK for up to a month from November 1st. I am organising a series of presentations from 7-9pm in several locations around the country. The main purpose is to generate some interest in Transylvania and off course generate more custom. However, these talks are usually lively and generate a lot of interest discussion about bears and encounters! If you are interested in a presentation please let me know. The best localities for me would be anywhere between Shropshire and Norfolk? All I ask for is a projector that can be used with a laptop for presentation of photographs, a suitable venue for 20+ people and plenty of tea and biscuits. I also ought to add that I am a 'one man band' until my cousin joins the business next year, not a big corporate company, see www.transylvania4x4tours.com so need to spread the word as best I can. Any takers?
  19. The problem with the drain plug being at the lowest point of the system is that it sucks water as not functioning properly. If there was an alternative to blocking it completely with a one way valve, that would be ideal.
  20. I don't think I would get a squash ball in there now as I have slapped silicone everywhere! Unfortunately not much of it went down the hole. The LR may not be red for much longer. I met a guy in the village who specialises in body repairs and resprays. I have been thinking about a respray at the end of the season and was always put off by cost. However, this guy spent two hours cutting a rusty section out of the bulkhead, welded a new piece in, resprayed the weld and reattached the snorkel. 90 minutes work and he charged me £3! I was thinking of asking him to modify the snorkel too and fit a continuous pipe section through to the airbox.
  21. Hi, Still not got round to siliconing that drain plug. However, thanks for all the advice and helping me find the location of the problem. The whole situation occurred on a photo shoot with Land Rover owner International magazine. As there were several cameras around at the time of the incident you can see the wading shots that led to the water ingress here. I also added a link into the same article to this forum in recognition of all your help! Cheers, Paul
  22. Well, I found the drain plug and yes, it is wide open. Tried to fill it with silicone without success as it is a bit round a corner. Off to town this morning to buy a bit of tubing to finish off the job! Cheers, Paul
  23. Thanks Chris, Does that dump valve sit under part 3 or 4 in the diagram? If it is part 4 then I'm confused as this part sits flush with the body of the vehicle. Paul
  24. I never noticed that Chris, but will have a look tomorrow. Thanks, Paul
  25. Well I had the whole thing out today and tested each section. Everything was air tight until I got to the box section each side of the wing. This is the point that is letting the system down and o matter how much silicone i used I could not make it air tight. This is a real weak link and placed the lowest and worst place possible as the corner that it is tucked up inside acts as a funnel for any water splashing about! As my cousin has already pointed out this section with endless piping with several joints needs replacing with a single continuous piece of exhaust pipe.
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