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Everything posted by Paul64

  1. Thanks Will, that is a really good idea. I just siliconed up the joints and then tested it as a oner. Testing each section makes much more sense. I will give it a go in the week.
  2. I use my TDS 2-3 times a week just getting to and from work! Loads of pulling power and has never missed a beat.
  3. Well mine must have a very big leak then because you can only feel the faintest pull when hand over the snorkel and certainly no drawing in noises from anywhere on the system that is obvious. The only place I know that is not good is the lowest pipe on the inside of the wing without a jubilee clip in place. I will be in the UK next month and need to invest in one of the screwdrivers that are long with a bendy shaft, as no normal screwdriver and hand is going to fit down there!
  4. Yes, I took it apart. I fitted a length of rubber around the inside of the lid as the fit was poor. However, there was no suction noise before or after. When you put your hand over the snorkel, how much suction should you feel and how quickly should the engine cut out?
  5. I don't have the kit here to do a compression test, so will ask a local garage to do it, thanks Jim. I spent the whole morning trying to find where the water came in. I took the mushroom off and put my hand on top. There was only a very slight pull on my skin and certainly no where near enough to starve and stall the engine. I checked everywhere for a leak but couldn't find or hear anything. I siliconed all that I could see, but it made no difference. The only place that I can think of is the lower pipe inside the wing that connects with the snorkel. There was no jubilee clip on the pipe and after putting one on I couldn't do it up as no space. I siliconed it though but again no difference. I think for now I will have to stay away from water!
  6. No, it didn't cut out. There was just a sudden loss of power and then the steam started pouring out of the exhaust. I drove out of the river and left the engine ticking over until it cleared. When I took the air filter element out though it was completely wet. I have a 200 TDI so yes with turbo. I have been back in the mountains since and it still gets me up and down steep gradients without problem. There is a slight reduced performance to the engine, but I'm wondering whether I'm imagining that, now I know there may be a problem. My viscous coupling has been screwed on as went 3-4 weeks ago and I have noticed I get a slight reduction in power with that as the fan is on all the time.
  7. I went through a river yesterday and lost power half way across. White steam/smoke started pouring out of the exhaust and the air filter was wet. I changed the filter and after a dodgy few miles all seems to be back to normal. What is the worst I could have done to the engine? I will have a good look at the snorkel route tomorrow and check for leaks, but only went into the water to the top of the wheel, but maybe too fast. Cheers, Paul
  8. Thanks for all the info. I will make contact with these companies to see what they can do for me. Cheers, Paul
  9. Hi, Needing parts now on a regular basis, so in need of a regular reasonably priced courier company. Any recommendations? X-Eng sent some gear to me, but unfortunately the problems started at this end when a local company were used for the final part of the delivery. Are any of the well know international couriers known to take responsibility for the complete delivery, or is it usual practice to link up with other companies to get the job done? Price is also important. The two companies that I have used in the past have quoted between £25 and £35 for a radiator to be delivered here. Does anyone know of any freight companies that regularly deliver to Romania, who could let me kit hitch a ride for a fee? Cheers, Paul
  10. Update: Don't use BFG 265/75x16 mud terrains on Disco steels on a Defender. They rub like hell on full articulation against the upper spring housings front and back! I will swap to modulars when I drive back to the UK in November.
  11. During his week over here David my cousin was investigating and repairing my electrical gremlins! He removed all old unnecessary cabling and cut away approximately 20 metres of the stuff! My most annoying problem with the windscreen wipers coming on when flicking the button for the headlights has now gone. This photo is of the old cables that David removed Here is a photo of David hard at work!
  12. Thanks for such an extensive reply. I will pass the info on. Cheers, Paul
  13. Thanks for all the comments. I will pass them on. Request came from an American, although I am pretty sure he will have bigger problems than a conversion. I am sure I read somewhere that there are problems exporting 2nd hand 4x4's to the states and that most people were put off from Land Rovers because of it. I can't remember whether it was a build spec requirement or tax? Cheers, Paul
  14. Thanks for that. What about wiring? Would the conversion require a new loom?
  15. I have been searching the forum for details on steering conversions for a mate wanting to convert a RHD to LHD Defender. I have done a search on this as I am sure I have read about this on here before. He is interested in cost and main technical requirements. Can someone point me in the right direction, especially on searches. I used steering+conversion+left+right. Cheers Paul
  16. I agree. Remember when this sad accident happened, there were unscrupulous journalists sniffing around the forums for a story. We are all thinking of you and your family Gresh!
  17. Astounded!!! And it has taken them one year to come up with that response! Why can't they leave the poor bloke alone? Surely he has already had and will have enough suffering for a lifetime!
  18. Thanks for the tips. I wish I could give more info, but I haven't got my LR with me. I promise to add a photo to this post when I get back. My cousin is a mechanic and he will have a look too. How knows about welding so will take him along with me to the local garage when they fix it. I will keep you posted. Cheers, Paul
  19. I will check it properly when I fly back Ralph. I only just remembered this damage when making my never ending list of repairs. Fortunately I have met a bunch of guys in a local general garage that are quite handy welders so will get them to tackle this job. Yes, I'm pretty sure it was directly below the damper so will check the components you mention. The suspension has taken some really hard knocks over the last few weeks, but I was surprised to see damage like this. Thanks for your comments. Paul
  20. Hi, As I have said before you are very welcome to come over to Transylvania on a forum expedition. Don't be put off by prices on my website, as this would be a forum trip which I am part of, so as long as you cover your own costs and come slightly out of season I would be happy to host you for a couple of weeks. You would have to allow a couple of days each side of the trip for the drive. We could even team up with one of the Romanian Land Rover forums for a weekend? I have a garage a small workshop available for running repairs. You would also need to decide on accommodation in guest houses or camping or a combination of both. Cheers, Paul
  21. On inspection after off roading I noticed a hole in the front axle. It is on the upper side of the casing near the swivel hub below the suspension, about a half cm in each direction. No idea how I did it but it goes all the way through the metal. What would be the best way to repair, just a simple weld? Cheers, Paul
  22. Sorry, I can't remember the length of the rear dampers, but they are OME n44 rear. The other thing I forgot to mention is that I had the tyres fitted on Disco steels. Would that make any difference? Cheers, Paul
  23. I agonised over this for weeks, then went for OME springs and shocks. They are great on and off road. I changed to Polybush red too, but no radius correction or prop changes. I also had extended brake hoses fitted. Cheers, Paul
  24. Thanks for that. I am going to check all the looms with my cousin when I get back. Got to get it sorted because it's getting worse and getting on my t*ts! I had a group of customers off roading with me. They had two Nissan Patrols and one Toyota Land cruiser. They had a low opinion of Land Rovers, so when light and indicator started flashing and wipers coming on, they had that knowing I told you sort of look about them. Off road though my LR was awesome, oh apart from bent track rod, but that was my mistake . Cheers, Paul
  25. Thanks for that. I am back in the UK for a few days and LR back in Transylvania. I don't think I will find imperial out there though. Cheers, Paul
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