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Posts posted by Big.Mike

  1. That is quick!!

    I'm in the process of getting my bridgeport up and running. I don't have a lubrication system set up yet, so I tried using an air blast to keep the swarf clear of the tool.

    It worked well, but emptied my 300L tank way too quick, and stank!


    Stank? Have you got water in your compressor?

    You only need a fine jet of air to blow away the swarf, the setups I've seen use a 0.75-1 mm diameter hole @ 8 bar


  2. Good point whats the best way to check the tracking, Garage or DIY?

    May sound silly but kwik Fit somewhere like that.

    Not kwik fit. Anything but kwik fit.

    Orgasmic Farmer: I take your point about lasers, a straight line is a straight line. It's an ar*e of a job to do yourself.

    Personally it's easier to take it to a garage, my point about the lasers was that they invested in some sweet kit & knew what they were doing...

  3. Does it have a flat back, how hot does it get and how heavy is it?

    You could use VHB tape to stick it in place... I love this stuff, it's amazing.


    The thing I would say is you need the surfaces clean, the best stuff for doing this is alcohol gel (as in cleaning your hands)

    You also need to apply some pressure to get it to activate.

    You might want to read this if you have any doubts!


  4. Before I did not have the confidence to get her over 57ish mph before it became a handfull, will get her on the motorway soon to see what happens and keep you posted.

    Have you had the tracking checked and the wheels balanced? It's worth going to a garage with a "proper" setup... There's one round here (no good for you) they have an amazing bit of kit that uses lasers and everything (well I was impressed :) ).

    I keep meaning to take Daisy down to have her checked over, trying to find the time...

  5. A mate of mine has just bought a brand new Porsche Carrera. He gas a bit of a problem as his numberplate just fell off... Why did it fall off? Because those lovely people at our local Porsche garage had used paper to, yes rolled up paper, to space the screws out. And it rained.

    This got me thinking as I was putting it back on for him with some adhesive tape:

    Has anyone tried riveting through a number plate? And what would you use or make to stop it cracking!

    My number plate is going to have to be moved, I suspect it might raise a coppers eye brow if I don't!



  6. Okay, so I spent an hour going around gooing the roof and above the windscreen... The stuff I pulled out from under the roof want what was supposed to be there.

    The sikaflex was messy, but does come off when drying. I had to flatten it with a damp bit if kitchen towel. It's just like bathroom sealant like that.

    I'll add "fix the roof" to next summers to do list. I also need to replace all the window seals too...



  7. Bolt on bits are fairly well known and as far as I'm aware been around for a while (they've been advertising in LRO for a while).

    It's interesting that Ozyboy thinks they are expensive; I thought they were reasonable IMHO.

    They seem to have covered all the bases so as long as they work out of the box I can't see why they shouldn't last for a very, very long time (LEDs are fan-blo*dy-tastic).



  8. Hi Mike,

    I too had to cut through some white sealant like you have on yours, so I'm intreged to find out what its looks like when it left the factory.

    The white stuff was a hard compound and not rubbery so I too would be interested to find out what it is!


    I think it's the white sealant mentioned in the "land rover defender water ingress" manual that's floating around. I'm really not sure what it is, mine was a little rubbery, but where it had broken had hardened...

    I'm going to try the Sikaflex, I have to stop the drips and puddles.

  9. When I fitted a sunroof in my old 110, I used door seal rubber. I split it lengthways and then fitted the part that clips to the door frame on to the roof lining, then opened up the now split tubular part and tucked it into the groove in the sunroof, fixing it in place with a length of the rubber filling strip from a windscreen rubber. It cost me nothing as it was all leftovers from my kit car building days, but I remember it came from a place in Tunbridge Wells.

    Fantastic, exactly what i was thinking...

  10. Hi All,

    This is a real long shot, my defender is missing it's finisher around the sunroof. It's really annoying, the roof lining keeps rubbing my head!

    I could spend the 70 quid, it would just hurt...

    Does anyone know a fix? Or perhaps have another product that would the same job?

    This it the part:




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