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Posts posted by Big.Mike

  1. Another vote for Grabber TR. Good in the snow and on ice as well. Used mine on the last two trips to southern Africa.

    Go very nicely on Discovery steels. I run mine at 30 front 36 rear empty and fully laden.

    What size do you run? I'm really trying to get a feel for size. Daisy (My 110) has a 1 or 2 inch lift so I'd really like it if she looked in proportion.

    She's got 265/75/16 on at the moment, I don't mind reducing the width but want to try to keep the same diameter! (Ooo' Nurse).




  2. EGR Solenoid wires in connector C191 are red/blue - red/black - pink/black

    EGR modulator wires in connector C781 are black/orange - plain green

    if that plug is defo EGR just secure it out of harms way, it's no longer req'd if the EGR valve unit is removed.

    Sorry, I meant the cable I originally posted about. The one with the Pink/Black Purple/Green (see original photos)... See I told you it was off topic. :)

    I've tucked them all under the engine cover.



  3. Hi Ross,

    I would suggest a diesel. That said, any Land Rover can tow, it's about the gearbox and 4x4. I would also look for a later model as disc brakes all round would be a plus!

    Just for your info, go an look at any Defender in the wet, the one in the link you sent had loads of condensation in it which suggests a bit of water ingress.

    I had to laugh when I read your comments about driving a Defender! I adore mine, had her six weeks and she's fan-bleeding-tastic. I can't wait for the snow!



  4. I'd get a my favorite hammer and add some more dents throughout the vehicle just to even it up :P

    Ha! Daisy is already reasonably dented. I don't mind the dents, in fact I go on the same principle as some photographers; the more abused she looks the less attention she'll attract.

    The only caveat to this is that the dent's don't affect the water-tightness or function of Daisy. Unfortunately both are affected at the moment.



  5. Fingers crossed the extractor works...

    Oh and it'll leave soot over anything near to the gasket

    What a weekend. All for one bl**dy bolt. This is all :offtopic: , but if it helps someone else it it's all good.

    In my experience screw extractors are great when you have a screw with a stripped head. This was a fused bolt, I've never seen the like before. So the screw extractors didn't work. This is what I did:

    1. Used a centre drill to put a small hole in the centre of the broken end of the bolt.
    2. Drilled a 4.5mm hole in the bolt with a HSS drill bit.
    3. Tried the screw extractors.
    4. Put some WD40 in the hole and left it to soak.
    5. Had a cup of tea.
    6. Tried the screw extractors.
    7. Ran the Engine for 20 mins until the manifold was hot.
    8. Tried the screw extractors.
    9. Burnt my fingers on the hot screw extractor.
    10. Swore.
    11. Swore some more.
    12. Had a cup of tea.
    13. Drilled a 6.5mm hole with a HSS drill.
    14. Tried the screw extractors.
    15. Caught my finger on the sharp edge of the manifold.
    16. Bled all over the engine cover.
    17. Swore some more.
    18. Found a plaster (Hello Kitty, we'd run out of Ben10 ones).
    19. Washed the soot, rust, WD40 and oil out of the wound.
    20. Swore.
    21. Put some gloves on.
    22. Washed the blood off the engine.
    23. Drilled out the to 7mm with a HSS drill.
    24. Waggled the drill around gently.
    25. The bits of the broken bit came out.
    26. Ran an M8 tap into the hole with a good dollop of copper grease to pull any remaining bits of bolt out of the hole.

    What I learnt:

    1. Wear gloves.
    2. Put copper grease on bolts.
    3. Bolts can fuse in place, using what I can only imagine is magic.
    4. I am comfortable enough with my masculinity to wear Hello Kitty plasters.
    5. Screwfix don't sell good drill bits.
    6. It is not a half hour job to remove the egr valve. 5 days it's taken.
    7. A 300Tdi motor really needs the T bit.
    8. The manifold gets really, really hot.

    It all seems to be good now, thanks for all the help and offers of help.

    Which is great, cos' I can now drive to work tomorrow!

    As for the original question, I can't see anywhere to plug in the loose end of the wire!



  6. :(

    If you get stuck I'll dig out the tapping size drill and taps for it and post them down to you if you need them.... or if you are up this way you could pick them up.

    That's really kind of you, I've got a set of taps.

    I'm hoping that it'll just pop out with the screw extractor (ha!)...

    On thing I need to work out is if I can drive her without the gasket done up fully (or in fact with only one bolt).

  7. Silicone o-rings are pretty good. I happen to have a few if you want to try them.

    Avoid nitrile (rubber) they tend to disintegrate in the sun and mark any surface. (Learnt much to my cost).

    This material is fantastic for non slip:


    However I've no idea what the material is. (Again someone told me it was silicone, but who knows).



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