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Posts posted by Big.Mike

  1. That's blooming fantastic. It's a nice that someone famous is passionate about defenders.

    To be fair, if it was a completely rebuilt vehicle with custom paint, suspension, etc. etc. (the way they do in the states) $165,000 is probably not far off the mark.

  2. Put boost alloys on that, paint the bulkhead, body cappings and rear crossmember, and stick some door cards on and I would happily have that as my daily for work.

    I don't think it qualifies for pass the bucket, the grill and wheels won't be to everyone's taste for sure but besides that it seems decent

    The wheels alone qualify it for pass the bucket... bleugh.

  3. I guess it depends on what you want to plough? If it's a few hundred meters of drive way then you might be okay bolting something as you suggest. If it's to plough for miles and miles then you'd need to think about articulation and the like.

    Ploughing snow will put one heck of a strain on your vehicle. As it stands I would suggest your disco would be able to cope with almost any snow conditions, a plough would only clear a path for others.

  4. Legitimacy aside for a moment 10k might be a bit optimistic:

    Vehicles used just for agriculture, horticulture and forestry

    This includes tractors, agricultural engines and light agricultural vehicles used off-road. It also includes ‘limited use’ vehicles used for short journeys (not more than 1.5 kilometres) on the public road between land that’s occupied by the same person.


  5. "Good-grip and long-life are opposite ends of the tyre-characteristic spectrum."

    "Quite right, and BFG ATs aren't very grippy on the road in my experience..."

    Couldn't disagree more with these two statements.

    Been using BFG AT's for nearly 14-years and not only do they last well but the grip on tarmac is far better than other tyres I have used, this seems to be at odds with other tyre manufacturers but in my opinion BFG have managed where others have failed. You may pay a slight premium for them but the grip & lifespan more than cover this. They tend to "go off" after high milages despite still having usable tread but we are talking 70K+ so I think they have given there moniesworth by then.

    "She does 80% on road & 20% off."

    If you really are spening that amount of time off the tarmac and you are driving alone for most of that time then I would forget about an AT altogether and go for an MT as an AT is only ever going to be a compremise. An AT may look chunky compared to a road tyre but compared to a real mud tyre they are very mild. A cheap mud tyre may have stability, grip & longativity issues but something like a BFG MT will play dividends in the long term.

    couldn't agree more...

  6. This has come up plenty of times across various forums.

    You have most of the address plus a mobile and (more importantly) a landline. If they were looking to pinch the vehicle they have advertised quite well but the general opinion is that they are just a business who target owners direct.

    Just looking at this a little further there are a few details on here that seem a little odd.

    The mobile number is seemingly a pay-to-call one, if you do a google search there are a couple of Ebay sales that mention it, but they look like hacked accounts.

    There isn't a Limited company listed.

  7. This has come up plenty of times across various forums.

    You have most of the address plus a mobile and (more importantly) a landline. If they were looking to pinch the vehicle they have advertised quite well but the general opinion is that they are just a business who target owners direct.

    It's not the "theft" aspect I'm worried about. I hate the idea of someone touching my vehicle.

    It's intrusive and frankly unwelcome.

  8. welcome to the forum.

    1. has the diff lock light ever come on? if not you might have bigger issues.

    2. high/low. if you're lucky, the pin connecting the lever to the arm on the transfer box has come out.

    easy to tell, carefully remove the middle seat base and then the metal panel underneath.

    if you waggle the handle you'll see where it connects to the transfer box. if there isn't a connection then you need a new pin,

    unless you've broken the linkage.

    If the worst comes to the worst then a second hand transfer box isn't ridiculous money.



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