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Posts posted by Big.Mike

  1. Toyotas are a little more 'agricultural' than the Range Rover... that said environment has a massive part to play, I suspect because we apply millions of tonnes of salt to roads in the winter our cars just rot. I don't mean just body work, all the components too... I suspect it's a conspiracy between the government and the car manufacturers so we have to buy more new cars... :-D

  2. After your 8+ mile run, loosen to coolant filler to bleed the pressure off, then see if it's any better in the mornings.

    If it is, get the head pressure tested. I reckon you'll find a crack from the coolant jacket to the #1 intake valve port.

    Mine was way down inside the port, and not visible once the pressure was released, but it could drop enough coolant on the back of the valve to cause hydraulic lock when cranking.

    It doesn't ever have a problem cranking,,, ever, if it did we'd definatly do that.

    That's almost the issue, it's not presenting itself as a "normal" problem.

  3. One more however though ....... if it is a timing problem wouldn't it show up consistently?

    Hmmm, doesn't it depend where the piston parks. As I understand it, there are 3 positions.

    The daft thing is, it runs really well, pulls easily and cruises at 70. Starting is no problem even after the cylinder is (apparently) full.

    Its only the smoke and leak that makes me question anything...

  4. I suspect it's diesel, it felt like diesel to the touch and the cloud looked like this:


    Lets face it, if it's coolant then its a cracked head, and there weren't any obvious cracks...

    If it is diesel what could be causing it?

    As I said we've changed all of the injectors with known good ones, is there a way to adjust the amount of fuel pumped through the injectors or is there a valve or something that is allowing fuel to slip by? When you turn off the engine, I assume it starves the engine of diesel given there is no spark, could this be leaking?

    I should have mentioned it's an Ex-MOD engine, did they experiment with making Defenders put up smoke screens (joke).

  5. I see your point, lots of cars don't make 10 years and 250,000Kms.

    Trouble is, they bought a pup and there is no way to convince someone otherwise.

    Keep up the good fight, and smile when they sell it to you for €4000 and you fix it yourself!



  6. Hi All,

    Here's a good one which is driving me and all the technical people I know nuts...

    The "new" engine on Daisy has got a "gappy" manifold, there is a gap here:


    Not a problem a little exhaust compound and it's sealed.

    The problem started a few months ago, there was a bit fluid coming out of this gap, washing the compound away, I thought it was coolant.

    It only happens after an 8+ mile run, then it's allowed to sit overnight.

    Then one day I created a massive white smoke cloud. Opened the bonnet and it was pouring out of the gap.

    So I had the head gasket changed.

    Still leaking fluid and occasionally blowing white smoke out of the back, I showed the guys working on her the problem and they thought it was diesel.

    They noticed that number one injector was wet when the gasket was changed, so the thought went, it must be leaking, welling up then un-burnt fuel is getting pushed into the exhaust manifold.

    No luck, it was still smoking and leaking.

    So all the injectors were changed, still no luck.

    Anyone seen this before, does anyone know what it is?



  7. 1. Is that a Fiat Brava door in photo number 5? What on earth ifs that roll cage about?

    2. Least said soonest mended...

    3. Is it me, or does it look like it's riding strangely?

    I'm going to say this, when you write on Ebay, I find the lack of bullet points, large bold fonts and bad spelling a real selling point!

    Still, if I feel like I want to "pimp" Daisy (I don't, getting the head gasket fixed will suffice) I'll buy one of these wreaks and strip it fir parts!



  8. Got any pics, Mr HFH?

    How scratch resistant is is?

    PC is a bit of a nightmare for scratching unless you get it hard coated. Hard coating will also protect against oil, which eats PC (which is why they stopped making motorcycle helmets from it...)

    Acrylic might be a better alternative, The fire brigade can also crack it more easily if you need to get through it.



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