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Posts posted by mikeyb13

  1. I had spotted the trip but i think im on rally service crew duty for my boss that weekend. Might make 1 of the days though. I was thinking more along the lines of a bunch of local lads getting together now and again. I used to see a group of landys outside the school near my house every so often but haven't seen them for a while.

  2. Thats sounds like the same group. One of the vehicles was plastered in mud before they got on strata so it wasnt their first lane of the day. I did keep my eye out to see if the were any fresh off piste tracks but couldnt tell on the ones that were already there.

  3. D you like to take your time or rush down the lanes? Personaly I like to take my time and enjoy the lane I'm travelling not race down it like some other people seem to do, I was at strata on saturday with the family and started from the abbey end. We passed a group of about 5 toyotas parked near the start and by the time we were at the first forestry road crossing they had caught up with us. I pulled over to let them past and watched them go on ahead, they just seemed to want to get to the other end as soon as possible. This isn't the first time I've pulled over for a toyota, I was on bomber lane in the summer and a hilux came flying up the lane with a young kid stood in the back holding onto the roll bar. Are all toyota drivers like this?

  4. Going off a mates investigation imto plate legalities for his trans-am 8/9 yrs ago there's nothing in mot/legal manual that states a front plate has to be on display.... It's just the norm and down to the policemans judgement on the day ;)

    Reg plates must be on both front and back of vehicles for MOT , however if its a foreign registered, military or diplomatic vehicle they are not part of the MOT inspection.

  5. Ever since I fitted a winch bumper to my disco I've had loads of modded 4x4s wave at me, some locals and even some who have been passing through the area. Before the bumper it had a 3 inch lift and big tyres and no-one waved.

  6. Thanks for the advice wolfie69. My other half has bought me the 3 inch lift springs already so they will have to go on, so it going to be a 3 inch lift for now i think. would I still be able to use the 5.5inch shocks with just the 3 inch springs or is that going to cause problems?

  7. I use my 1993 v8 discovery for everyday use but i want to take up abit of greenlaning in the summer. I have fitted some 2 inch lift spacers from Gwyn Lewis's as I have BFG M/T tyres that were catching the arches, but now my drivers side front spring is sagging and my passenger side front shocker is leaking and its causeing scrapeing when i take left hand corners. So I thought if I'm going to change the suspension I may aswell upgrade it. I was thinking of getting some +3 inch springs and +5.5 inch shockers and using the spacers that I already have. Do you think this will be OTT? will it still be road legal? All advice and recommendations would be helpful.

    thanks in advance


  8. I have just been offered an air con system thats apparently from a 200 tdi but after asking a few questions hes told me the blower motor sits on the side of the heater box which to me sugests that its from a 300 as my 200 (non air con) has the motor on the top. if anyone could tell me the differences between the 200 and 300 it would be a great help.

    thanks in advance


  9. Hi all, I'm new to the world of discovery's so appologies if i sound stupid at any point. I have a 200 v8i which is great apart from no air con, and after a trip to the safari park with the kids i decided something had to be done about it. I managed to get an air con system out of a 300 v8 and after a couple of hours pulling my dash out iv realised it wont fit behind the 200 series dash. So my question is can i fit a 300 dash into my 200 and would this allow me to fit the air con.

    thanks in advance for any help.

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