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Posts posted by Baz2236

  1. Hi I have a disco 200 fitted in my 90

    Everytime I go wading usually over the bonnet a day or so later the starter wont kick in. I turn the key and nothing today I got round it by rocking the car back and forth in gear and the it turn over straight away. Early when it happened I just flicked the key a few times and it started.

    This is the 3rd starter it was working fine before it went swimming at the weekend. Any idea how to make them a little more water friendly or how to fix this starter. This and The other starters were fine until they get in deep water and then theg stop working.

    I am sure when I done the conversion I could not fit the wading plug but I cant remember. Where is the bell housing wading plug. I have a NAD flywheel housing mounted to my disco block.

    Any ideas because I am stuck apart from dont take it swimming.


  2. Hi my 90 has developed a strange fault much like me where is does not want to start on cold mornings. In the morning if I try and turn it over I get nothing from the starter not even a click. All the dash lights are on I can use the glow plugs but on crank dead.

    If I try and start it again at lunch time or afternoon it will turn over and start straight away. Once it is started it will be fine fore the rest of the day.

    It just had a new battery and earths sorted out. Also the starter relay replaced.

    I have been playing in some deep water lately so that maybe causing issues but has anyone got any ideas before I start removing the starter.


  3. Hi as per title I have tracked down my dodgy starting to the fact I have no earth anywhere on the motor until the engine is running.

    I have earth with ignition off and earth when running but on Ignition I have too much resistance on the earth side every where to get a circuit

    Any Ideas as i am stuck.


  4. Hi I am having a bit of trouble starting my converted 200.

    I have to run the glow plugs for 20 seconds before I try and start it. If I just jump in and try to start it will struggle to turn over or start just clicks. But as soon as I put glow plugs on for 20 seconds it will spin up straight away.

    What would cause this affect how can I stop it. I used to be able to just start with glow plugs.

    It has been suggested it could be the pump is turn up a little too much and the bores are full of diesel when I first try. Could it be timing related.


  5. Hi I have just brought a new Alternator for my 90 which was a NAD and now a 200 TDI I brought one that said it was for a 110 or 90 from 86 which I thought would be the same as mine.

    My orginal Alternator has 3 thick wire in a plug and 1 loose spade which plugs in

    The new Alternator has just the plug or 3 spades

    do I need the loose spade connector

    Which way should the new one be plugged in it came with no instrctions to say which pin is what

    I was hoping it was going to be a straight swap but oh no that would be easy.


  6. Hi on the way home tonight my 90 tried to kill me. I came to a round about and started to brake as I got closer braked a little more but the pedal continued to travel down to the floor. So my only choice was to let off and try brakes again the same happened they bit, start to slow you then the pedal goes slowly to the floor you will still be moving with the pedal sat on the floor.

    I got round the round about and home but very carefully.

    It seems like if u brake slowly it's ok but any hard or prolonge braking the efficiently goes and the pedal drops. I have looked underneath can't see any leaks the pads are not very old.

    Any ideas what has happened or where to look tomorrow.

    Thanks in advance


  7. I used my old NA diesel air filter and housing and mounted it where the ac pump would go. It means you have to run a air pipe over the other side of the engine to the turbo but I have not had any problems. I didn't turn my turbo it is close and I cut a square out the inner wing but it's not really needed. I did turn top of my thermostat housing round so I coud use standard top hose.

    Also what I forgot To do until after fitting engine was to move the clutch pipe over else it touches the exhaust. I wrapped my exhaust in heat wrap to stop it getting too hot.

    Hope this helps


  8. my 90 is running OME 2 inch lift shocks and springs polybuushed all over. But when i drive down the road and hit bumps where the road is not quite level i have to keep correcting the steering, on a flat road its fine just when there are bumps. The wheels are balanced no vibrations through the wheel it just dont want to go in a straight line. After it hit a bump. The swivels have been replaced and bearing checked and adjusted but it still like it.

    Any ideas where i should start looking.


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