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Posts posted by Nigelw

  1. Yes your theory is correct, cheap cheerful way of doing away with it's function while it's still there.

    might be handy for when the draconian laws come into play in a few years time???

    I am still gonna take it off the 200 though, want to minimize hassle and maximize performance.

  2. I got a little lost with the durometer thing but think I worked it out as the compound mixture?

    But funnily elbekko pointed out that oe bushings aren't lasting as long as they used to either!!!

    Maybe I will just fit oe to be on the safe side but will keep in mind the super pro, see which prices im"press" me the most when I come to buy them in a few weeks time.

  3. I'm British and I get to go but then again on Belgian plates now :i-m_so_happy: But last year we met up with a few brits there, really nice place and loads of fun on the road book but one puncture on the road book meant no playing in the off road course!!! :(

    What sort of challenge are we talking Henk?


    Comp safari?


    really got my attention with that one Henk :i-m_so_happy:

    Edited because I can't always spell propporly

  4. I have a 25T press, will this be suitable? If not my local demolition contractor Baldwins seem to love me and they have a 200T press in their work shop so don't know if the whole issue will be so "pressing"?

    Like I said, did a classic with polys and it's seen 70k and all seems ok, but times and circumstances have changed for me and I really don't want to waste money on components that will fail catastrophically or that end up costing me more in the long term with a shorter service life, the ability and time to change them is not an issue but long term running costs are.

  5. I read the thread about the radius arm bushes and now I am at a loss.

    I will have my new second hand disco home next week to begin its resurection, but new springs and bushings all round were part of the rebuild, I had originally planned orange polybush all round but after reading that thread I am now having second thoughts!! I polybushed a Range Rover with the Blue bushes 5yrs ago and 70,000miles and a lot of bumpy farm tracks has done it no harm at all, but what in the wider audiences opinion should I go for?

    I intend to use it for trail driving and off roading mostly but it has got to last!!!!

  6. I am new on here but not new to Land Rovers and have done more engine/gearbox swaps and modding in general to all of my vehicles from RRCs to series 3s.

    Maybe Cameron/Clegg could go one better, allow and implement changes, then grant official asylum for all those vehicles and manufacturers it would affect, therefore keeping everyone happy?

    I write in jest, because as far as I am concerned, its almost in place now, this writing of letters and appealing is wonderful but futile, I am not saying stop, but I know how it works, they tell us of the proposals and then allow us to vent our steam telling us to voice our objections to calm us down and make us think we will be fighting our corner and that we can make a difference but the long and the short of it is that the proposal is just the warning for what is coming, I don't vote, I don't care anymore, they do what gets them the best payday end of, look at Tony Blair, ruined the economy and took the great away from Britain and then swanned off into the sunset with a bigger fuller bank account. I drive my car as standard as possible these days as its easier for parts in what ever continent I happen to be in. Get used to the proposals, thats what they ARE going to implement in the coming years, not overnight but within 5yrs to allow for change and investments and to give owners time to put their car back to stock.

    If they don't do it this time it really is only a matter of time before it rears its ugly head again.

    I posted this when it first camw around and I knew then it was coming, the reply you recieved discomikey is about as good as it gets, and I mean that, I really did try to believe we stood a chance even rallied up some mates in Holland who are none too pleased by the proposals and look how they treat us, £4.3billion 28,000 people becoming unemployed wahoo, leave, while you can, I have, best thing I ever did!!!!

    Look how they treat the tax payers who keep their pockets lined, they love you as long as you vote for them and keep paying the taxes, otherwise it's prison or a life of oil painting and boredom!!!

    Anarchi will come to Britain again in a wave of tirany to break that tiny cloaked circle those dim wits live in, then it will all be someone elses fault, blame the EU they made us, cobblers scheeming lying toads.

  7. I know what you are saying, but it does take away a freedom we've enjoyed.

    I have brought cars to main dealers to have work done and then had to re-do it myself, it's how I've learned! I also believe that as I own the car I've the right to fix it myself. It's mine, I built the engine, why the blazes can't I service it myself?


    Rightly so, but I live in Belgium now, I grew up modding my RRCs and series landies, working on mates 110s and 90s for a favor that was never returned by many I might add, I fitted well shoe horned in a 6.2 V8 diesel into my old RRC, fitted Ogden air suspension on my mates 110, I've lost count of the things I have done, never took it to a garage save for an MOT but times are changing, I now live in a country where I can't even slap in the full drive line from my old Disco in to a series 3, something I would have done in a weekend back in the uk, it is a new breed of political system and one that naively thinks that rules and regulations make people safer, well truth is they don't, it's only the training of minds that make them safer, I personally think the UK has the best system going, do what you like take it get it tested and if its not safe get it fixed, gives the everyday man something to spend his money on and spend it locally too, but I can fully see why they want the system to change, it makes the EU one level playing field the common factor being the vehicle manufacturers, it makes it simple too, meaning you could have a European registration certificate and register your car at any address no importing into different member states would eliminate the problems I've had with the Disco this last 6 months, get a standardized MOT valid in any country, that's what all of this is amounting to, standardization metrication of all member states.

    G, there was no mention that you could not service your car!!! One step too far!!

  8. yes but what they are also wanting is that owners do not do things to their cars and have qualified installer brought in to do the work, come back for you as the owner and paid work for someone else, it would then be an approved installation in your vehicle, where by the installer would know what to do in terms of using the existing loom or running a new spur from the fuse box if there is room or fitting a secondary fuse box and running it from there, the idea would be that it would be fitted by someone who is trained in the field of vehicle electrics and who knows what rules are there to be followed.

    How many time have you bought an old landy with a bit of dodgy wiring?? I have found spots wired direct from battery to a swtch on the dash no relays to be found, I found stereo's fitted by twisting wires together, no crimped terminals, I even had another car where the wires were cut and twisted together and it was done to save the £5.95 for the adapter wiring and plugs to the ISO plug that went into the back of the radio!! For some things I can see reason, I don't like it but I can see why they want to make it more preventative for things like that to happen.

  9. I THINK red diesel blocking filters quicker is due to them trying to make it environmentally friendly-er..

    They've reduced the sulphur levels, in favour of some living bacteria type thing that is less polluting. This, when not used for a period of time, will settle leaving water at the bottom of the tank, where carp will grow, blocking the filters quicker.

    ...So why doesn't it happen with white diesel aswell..?

    White diesel has a higher level of sulphur than red - Reason for this being (again, I think) that the majority of things that run red diesel are generators / tractors, whose engines are not as fussy as a modern car engines about a little bit of impurities.

    Red diesel has always been of a lower grade than road fuel. I personally don't think the red will ever die out due to it being of a lower grade, where will they send all the crappy dregs off to if we have to run road diesel in our plant and machinery? There has been talk of this rebate and a single fuel ie, white for as long as I have been in heavy plant and agriculture, probably will never happen but you never know? it would be almost impossible to police and what the hell would they test you for on the road side? I did see mentioned the exhaust soots burned different and left a residue but I was told by my copper friend that is just a story and it worked as a lot less vehicles that were pulled after it were running red.

  10. Oh come on, that's just baseless fearmongering and you know it.

    I tend to agree. I was initially shocked but in speaking with a broader audience they all say the same, if it were to come in then it would be for cars manufactured after a point, and not the 30 year historic one either, so say 2014 for example, then cars manufactured before then could have simple enhancements or slight modifications but only to a lesser extent and then over the years they would become obsolete and the newer rules would be in force on the current product ranges, and kind of cloak and daggerish but they would be doing a lot of things by the backdoor too, like over tightening of the tread types for remould tyres etc, to name but one, Russia or America? take your pick, they will be the only safe places for folk who WANT to continue modding their cars(I am joking with this one!!!!), but in seriousness, take a look on youtube, look how many idiots do idiotic things with SUVs 4x4s etc,. and you can't tell me why they don't have any reason to want to ban them or turn them completely soft road, you could argue the same for others that behave like lemons doing other stupid things but there are other laws to try and prevent them too, it's just this one will affect US.

  11. Before stripping it all to pieces, I'd have a look at the Hi/Lo-Difflock linkage first, and make sure all is working as it should and is properly adjusted.

    I second that, if you have not been using low box often and only for small ammounts of time you may not have noticed it and as many Disco's never get further than Sainsbugs carpark they dont need low box and it never gets used, a linkage that was not properly adjusted when new may never have been notice by the first owner due to high purchase prices meaning it belonged to someone who could aford it not neccesarily meaning they would be driving the woods and tracks every weekend to use it, my D1 was seized in high box and diff lock was seized open too, gentle heat and perseverence got it moving again but again, thirsty V8, good motor but not exactly economical trundling muddy tracks in low box and never got used for it until I got my hands on it.

    Try adjusting the linkage first, refer to Haynes manual for best advice or take to quality indipendant garage who know what they are doing.

  12. I have just bought a 1992 Discovery with the venerable 200Tdi diesel lump in LHD to replace the RHD D1 V8, will miss the noises!!!!

    I bought the Disco after getting very dismayed with the prices asked for series 3s that were project vehicles and all needed welding for the next test and some more than others but with complete over haul vehicles starting at 1200 euro(needed new chassis and loads of repair to the bulk head and that was just the start it got worse!!!), I could buy me a lot of Discovery that needed a lot less work for that money.

    so here it is.....


    Body needs attention especially front wings but it is at least all completely there, more than I can say for at least one series 3 I went to look at for the same price!!

    Essentially I want to know if its possible to swap the body on the 200 for the body on the 300? 300 is a minter requiring only a slight patch on drivers sill and swapping dash around to LHD but is it possible?

  13. I watch the commentary here, I would love for the prime minister to read through our thoughts written in this thread, our concerns for our vehicles, our concerns for our friends who will be facing bankruptcy after it goes to print and enforcement as there will be no market to sell their parts to.

    The worst of it is that throughout the years we have always been told that Great Britain is a FREE country and we are free as citizens to express ourselves, some of us do it through our vehicles, some through arts and crafts, equestrianism and market gardening, all of these things have major and quite critical thing in common, they every single one of them contributes to the economy, the economy requires people to spend their money, but people must have something they want to spend money on in order for them to spend it in the first place, I kept my old landy for years and years, spent more than £5000 on spares and accessories on it, and then there was the fuel costs, god knows on that one!! Then Excise duty for driving it on the road, insurances and MOTs every year, so that's a potential total of in excess of £10,000 over 8 years of owning an old series 3, and that's just me, one single solitary person. How many of us pay our insurance every year but never claim? How many people own a second vehicle, and spend a bit of cash on it with a little bit of a lift and some nice purposeful tyres, maybe a winch and bumper to add a bit of bling and that's just for a bit of laning and dragging the trailer to the tip to get shot of the hedge and grass cuttings on a Sunday morning? I wonder how far they will research the facts before they put in place this nonsense, it will affect lots of small industries too, and for Britain especially who threw away a lot of its engineering industry, there will be the death of what small manufacturers there are!! Ok there will still be some demand for winch bumpers, someone will still knock up chassis for replacements, but there will no longer be as greater demand from the everyday man who wants build it himself and add features better than factory standard, and what of machine shops where we get the heads skimmed or the cranks ground on what to jo bloggs on the street would otherwise be a scrap engine we spend our money in a business and keep our related industries going.

    We are the end users for our vehicles but this nonsense will spread further and wider in Britain than any of the politicians could possibly fathom, the revenue losses and rise in unemployment should tell them to steer clear of it!!!!

  14. Any word from the press on this yet?

    I don't mean an inch square with 30 words, where is the headlines of motorists having liberties crushed further by a bunch of tree hugging hiipies and a government scared of its own shadow and petrified of the eu!!!!

    Not seen that one in the sun yet!!!!

    Clarkson on his holidays? What about Mark Evans? 4x4 mad them two and well known and respected in the eyes of the public too!!!

  15. it would be the same, but you do not have the longitudinal from front to rear hoop and you have more space between yr rear hoop and the back of your cab, would suggest strengthening tube vertically to hoop at donut and base plate for it to be stiffened up as per the one pictured, wondering what types of actual load you will put on it I would be tempted to add another diagonal cross brace to stiffen the hoop a little more, wouldn't want unexpected shock loading to buckle the hoop!!!

  16. Yes they all have periodic testing but they are actually proposing something that in THEORY makes sense, (note I made the theory bit bigger).

    On the whole the EU is one big country, and each individual country that is a member stat is kind of a county, and this directive is aimed at bringing the counties into some sort of level field where there is a set standard across the EU and common policy for all of the member states to adhere to, no I don't for one minute condone the ridiculous proposals for over regulating the automotive transport of private citizens, yes originally I was a little doom and gloom, but I now see that it will badly affect not just Great Britain, the Netherlands will also have a nasty sting from this, Germany on the other hand with the TUV is by far the strictest controlling country for automotive control. I have been looking at this deeper and deeper, and there are just too many floors in this proposal that could have a very negative effect on the government if fully introduced, I think that there will, after much deliberation be a soft version introduced to begin limiting what we can do in terms of modifications and it will most likely have periodic reviews to tighten it up and the end result will be TUV, yes more doom and gloom but they will see our arguments and will realize that we have a point but at the same time they are weak and pathetic and will want to bow down to the EU and will offer to bring it all online but at a slower more progressive rate, and if we look at legislation now and galvanize it just so we can see the difference in ten years time.

    Interesting point, I have a client who builds rally cars, he was not even aware that there was any proposals to alter what is already in force in the different states, just shows how well publicized this has not been!!! Don't worry, Belgium already harshly restricts what we can do here so it wont make so much difference to us but for those that are going to be burned badly I support you in your peaceful actions, please do not try strong arming or overly disrupting society, some of them are so heads in sand it will only make them support the other team just for a quiet life!!!

  17. I was looking for something completely different and found this idea for fitting a 200Tdi from a Disco, ok its going into a LHD Defender but I think with a little adaption someone could make a fine job in a series with this technique.

    Anyone done this? http://www.serie2a.dk/English%20series2a/200tdi%20discovery%20in%20a%20Defender.htm

    Better or not worth it? I just recall seeing pictures of hammed and bodged down pipes due to clearance issues, wonder if this would be easier?

  18. Is it possible to strobe it in the morning to check the timing? If its running but maybe a little rich, mark dizzy and block with white board marker and gently adjust dwell angle until it runs sweet with a less fuel rich exhaust fume, could always run it by a garage and offer cash for timing and nox meter to do it right then mark her up so it don't happen again.

    Funny, I was having real issues running on gas and thought it was coil, cap, rotor, amp etc,. turned out to be Lambda sensor going to LPG ecu was breaking down!!!

  19. I think we should team up with the other 4x4 makes, the boy racers, the kit cars and all other modded vechiles and drive to London. Pick a Saturday and mod on up there. Direct action effectiveness depends on the policy. EU isn't that popular at the moment and Government is trying to portray it's cutting red tape and boosting the ecomnoy. Direct action forces a comment.

    I am not so sure about the blocking London thing, I (in my personal experience) have always found that sort of thing a little counter productive, it's like suddenly we are not just fighting to save our motors but to do we are happy to pi55 everyone else off, I know it makes a point but sometimes that point could well be better made using the boy racers who have affluence and influence over more folk living in the big cities and towns where they might be blissfully aware of this until suddenly it comes into force and the fluffy dice have to come off the rear view mirror and the whopping jag v12 has to be pried out from what was a 1ltr fiesta.

    Please tell them about it tonight at the MacDonalds drive thru and let them look into it, but also think twice about blocking London, might do more harm than good.

  20. Might be a little off topic but could you quote Eric Blair for me as I fear I may have missed that one, might help out a few others who are none the wiser too LOL.

    I fail to see how the proposals can work really, I have been in contact with a fellow Disco owner in Holland and there its sort of the same as in the UK, do as you like as long as it passes the safety inspections you are fine. They too have a well developed industry for aftermarket modifications and alterations to vehicles, and the wave of action is about to begin in Holland, They are talking of doing much more than the letter writing and emailing we are, they are thinking more direct and obstructive actions to actually make the point that the proposals if they were to go ahead will kill an industry and put hundreds out of work and could potentially cost the governments millions in revenue each year due to folks not being able to do what they want with their money and so on and so on, you know the story as well as I do.

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