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Posts posted by Ivan

  1. Mods please don't put this in the Disco forum as I am suer it applies to other vehicles.

    I have a Discovery with a 2" lift and castor corrected radius arms (Gwyn Lewis). Myproblem is, if you accelerate to 70mph and then come of the throttle you get a horrible graunching noise from the gbox/txbox until the speed drops. I have been told this is caused by "propshaft flutter" caused by the lift. So I fitted a new high angle propshaft (Gwyn Lewis again) and it still makes the noise. I have checked the input gear in the txbox and it's fine (Ashcroft Q gears) and there is no wear on the splines from the gearbox. It has only been doing this for about 6/7 months. Prior to this there was a slight noise but nothing like the noise I am getting. It sounds like either bearings that are failing or gears that are not meshing correctly. I have asked Ashcrofts and they could not come up with a reply. So, any clues ?



  2. Like others have said, stick with OEM bushes. I have taken my Discovery to numerous places (Morroco, Russia, Libya, Australis etc) and I have always used OEM bushes. Mine seem to last really well the car is now 16 yrs old and I am looking at replacing all the bushes when I get back from Spain. The current set have been on for over 4yrs.



  3. As you may or may not be aware, I have a 300Tdi ES body fitted to my 1991 3.5V8i Discovery. Trouble is the person who fitted the body also remove the engine ECU (this also seemed to control the Aircon as well). Temporarily I have fitted a manual switch to engage the clutch on the compressor.

    The reason for doing this is the the normal aircon switch supplies 12v to the engine ECU and when switched on the voltage from the switch drops. This then tells the ECU to supply an earth to the aircon compressor thus engaging the clutch. I have tried using a change over relay but when the voltage drops it is not enough to deactivate the relay. So how can I get this to work ?

    What I need is some sort of circuit/switch that reacts when the voltage drop to say 5V.



  4. Streaky

    Had the same problem with my roof lights (Discovery). My solution was for the Wife (she's better at painting than me) to spray the center of the bonnet black. It has certainly helped as before you could see very little due to the reflection.


  5. Thanks for the responses guys. However, as I said my car is over 16yrs old. Yes, they will take your money but you are not covered.

    Europe Assistance - Vehicle must be under 16 yrs old, same for Green Flag. AA vehicle must be under 11yrs old.

    It's only when you actually read the policy do you see the limitations. The German thing sounds good but the website is all in German and I don't speak or read German :rolleyes:

    I'll keep looking.



  6. If it is electronic (i.e. no speedo cable) check the transducer attached to the transfer box. It's fitted where the speedo cable would normally plug in. These have been known to play up. Also check the connections.



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