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Immobilisers on Land Rovers

Corrode Finger

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Well i have nearly completed my 100" Hybrid, have it insured, but have been instructed to get a certified immobiliser installed on the vehicle.

It turns out that i get no saving in premium for this, but its a 'requirement' say the insurers.

I had an old immobiliser on it previously, standard/ part of an aftermarket alarm that got removed when it was stripped, basically cos it was causing grief when it was rebuilt.

I can get a certificated CAT 2 immobiliser installed for £110(includes them coming to truck), and am waiting for a price on a CAT 1.

I expect that CAT 1 is overkill, but considering the number of LR thefts, i think that its money well spent, especially when i consider how long i have spent building it, and it will be left parked for reasonable periods between use away from my house(cos its safer than sitting outside my house on the street and getting vandalised), so its a piece of mind thing.

Basically, whats the difference between CAT 1 & 2 immobilisers?

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I thought the cats were the level of protection, but Jon's answer would kinda equal the same thing. I have a Toad A51S alarm/immobiliser kicking around, don't know if they're approved (it changes sometimes!) but if it is, make me an offer.

Whatever you do, make damn sure the unit you buy is on the insurance co's approved list or you're wasting your time. You probably also need it fitted by a professional and a piece of paper to say so - Sextons in Eastliegh used to do it last time I looked (which was years ago).

Perhaps you need to change insurers if they're demanding immobilisers, none of my policies have ever required it. Could also be worth checking the agreed value - if it gets nicked and they give you the cash for a bone stock old Rangie you'll be miffed. Cost to replace (assuming you wouldn't want to build it a second time and for free) is important.

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The cost of £110 is for a certified and approved installer to carry out the work with all paperwork and compliant with current insurers regs.

The vehicle is insured as a Range Rover based hybrid with all mods listed and a build value of £3500.

The insurer is Adrian Flux. Nobody else could get it as cheap. I saved £140 and went to fully comp with protected no claims on a 3000 limited miles policy compared to the previous quote for a box standard rangie that was only TPFT.

To be fair, the CAT 2 seems the way to go as the alarm will struggle to work as there is no central locking to activate, it has sliding series windows, series door locks etc.

All i want is for it to stay where i leave it, (excluding hiabs etc, etc)

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Agreed ultrasonics suck for a Series, but an immobiliser (Cat2) makes no noise. Fine, someone can't hotwire it (so easily) but if it's dark they have all the time in the world to do have a bloody good try, do damage, and nick stuff. My last alarm, the Toad, was bought because (for some reason) people kept trying their luck with my Nissan Bluebird :blink: and I can say that the noise of it going off prevented at least one further attempt. I was more bothered about protecting the contents (guitars & amps) than the car really!

If they're well set-up (again, by proper installers) they shouldn't go off on their own. On the Bluebird you could leave the windows & roof open and the ultrasonics would cope pretty well. Mum's Polo has a properly fitted Laser one in and that behaves itself too.

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Have spoken to the installers, they have said that the CAT 1 will not be worthwhile on my hybrid due to its buildup. The electronics that the alarm has are beyond those installed in the car so it would not be worth the hassle or money to fit a CAT1.

As they have pointed out, they are installing the CAT2 immob on a 'unique vehicle', in a place that will be specific to that hybrid due to the nature in which it has been constructed, so its going to fool most 'oiks' as they will not know where the standard install is and how to evade it.

I accept that if it is left alone long enough, with a determined enough person it will go, but, i know myself that i will have done the best that i can to prevent it being taken. Sure, the bits inside are vulnerable, radio, cb install(when it goes in) but a brick through the window can get these if someone really wants them.

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Guest diesel_jim

I think that with any LR product, pre Td5*, that mechanical security is the way to go, either the disc-lok streering wheel thing, or the jobbie that locks around the pedals.

* is it true, think i read it on the "need ways to immobilise a Td5 in India thread" that the Td5 immobiliser can be got around by people "in the know"??? :o

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Make sure your Pro Installer is a good one. I've seen some bad installs by so-called Pro Installers.

I spent New Years Day rewiring a CAT1 Toad alarm because the installer had chosen to run the cables under the bonnet hinge :angry: . So everytime the bonnet was openned it rubbed on the cables finally causing a short in the wiring. I ended up re-routing the cables and repairing the loom. Loverly way to spend the day in the rain.

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