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1973 Series 3 88" Perkins Engine - Clutch issues


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Hi Everyone,

I've recently purchased a new project to keep my sanity at bay during this carp time. I ventured through all the usual channels and managed to land myself a seemingly intact 1973 Series 3. The bloke i bought it off didn't have a clue about much, let alone Land Rovers which should have been my first red flag. Any way, long story short, I believe it has a Perkins 4203 in it, no history, but from what I can gather it certainly looks like it is.
When I bought it, the guy told me that it simply needs a new slave cylinder and all will be well, it had a tiny amount of clutch but really didn't want to go into gear.
I got it home and set to work. as I ventured underneath, the slave cylinder was definitely at fault, in fact one bolt was missing and one side of the cylinder housing had sheared off! I believe the gearbox is original, Overdrive, 4 speed etc.
Now for the start of the trouble, I set about installing a new one but it doesn't seat correctly, the body of the cylinder is right up against the bell housing, has anyone come across this when using a Perkins replacement engine, should everything fit as it did before? is there an adaptor plate or different slave cylinder to use?
I changed the master cylinder whilst I was at it but the clutch isn't happy and the pedal is tough and has no feel.
I could go on with the immediate issues but I'll start with the above!

thanks in advance for any help


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Welcome to the Series...

We need pictures of both the vehicle (we're curious) and the engine / engine bay as there are many Perkins engine and even more look-a-like conversions.


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15 minutes ago, Arjan said:

Welcome to the Series...

We need pictures of both the vehicle (we're curious) and the engine / engine bay as there are many Perkins engine and even more look-a-like conversions.



photos below of the new addition and the offending item which is hitting the bell housing and had sheared off. I'll get some better photos shortly. I believe it's a Perkins 4203, not a lot of history on the engine swap. 



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Good Series to start with..

If you have time, some more picsshowing both the enginebay layout, the engine and some detail are good.

Chances are you. need to drill out and re-tap the broken off bits.

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It looks like a cast ally adaptor ring ? Phillips were one of the suppliers years back , usually cast in somewhere . If it's been fabbed up in steel then less trustworthy...

My No1 shot is 2A clutch pressure plate with either 3 fingers or diaphragm with central ring , this would push the clutch slave back as your pic. suggests . It should be a plain diaphragm . Remove the gearstick assy. and the little cover plate on the bellhousing to see inside.


Steve b 

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