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Land Rover vs cyclists


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It's as I said previously. The issue is that some people are selfish, arrogant, entitled... That doesn't change if they are behind the wheel of a car, on a bike, walking, etc. If anything the sense of arrogance and entitlement gets heightened for some people once they are using the road in whatever form. 

People should be taking responsibility for the safety of all road users around them no matter how they are using the road. In my view this is best achieved by acting with curtesy and consideration towards those around you. I don't think most people who drive a car or indeed cycle with little regard for other people would act like they do towards others in a given situation if they were on foot. 

To address the point that the motorist happened to be in a defender in the incident this thread is focusing on; I feel that defenders are actually often somewhat immune from being lumped together with the critism thrown at other 4x4s, I wonder how the story and the sentiment of some of us on here might have been different if the 4x4 happened to not be a Land Rover but maybe a German 4x4?

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Courtesy costs nothing was something that was drilled into me from a very early age. IF everyone were to abide by that maxim then the world would be a far better place.

To be honest gents I think that all that needs to have been said has been and subsequently this thread has run its course. Some will agree, some disagree but such is life. Closing this now.

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