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EPC Diagram Req'd

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Can anyone with an EPC please upload/ e-mail me a diagram from EPC showing a late 110 rear axle including stub axles/ hubs/ calipers/ discs please.

Unfortunately work won't allow me to run a dodgy copy of the EPC on my machine :rolleyes:

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Thanks Ralph, I think there must be a later version of the axle though (With a rover type 4 pin rear diff) as paddocks show both the caliper pn (STC1269) shown on the EPC and another pn (SMC000190) for axles from 1A614448. I don't suppose you have a diagram for these do you???
Edited by western
dropped the diagrams to make thread shorter & quicker to load
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Thanks Ralph, I think there must be a later version of the axle though (With a rover type 4 pin rear diff) as paddocks show both the caliper pn (STC1269) shown on the EPC and another pn (SMC000190) for axles from 1A614448. I don't suppose you have a diagram for these do you???

Yes, just found those calipers in EPC their for ABS fitted vehicles, will add it here shortly :D

EPC diagram as promised :i-m_so_happy:


Edited by western
diagram added.
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so whats wrong with the rangie axle thats been mixed and bodged then?


You've mixed and bodged it, that's whats wrong......if you can't operate a computer (double post above) how am I meant to be able to trust your bodging? :lol::lol:

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  • 1 month later...

I'm going to have to drag this tread back to the top again.

The stub axle shown (FTC1740) does not fit (easily) onto the late 110 axle casing. Can anyone advise (with diagram showing the rest of the stub axle to hub components if possible) of the correct part number for the stub axle for this casing.

I'm trying desperately to get the case together and on the vehicle before Friday.

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put the bodge one back on... :o)

we drove on it for ooooooo at least 2 minutes and it worked fine. :D

Is it going to ready in time????????

I imagine its gona be ready before Adrians now.. as it be dead at the mo. DOH.

Hmmmmm, I think I may have found it now (on the right in the image):


funny though as I can only find reference as FTC3188 being a 90 rear axle part :huh:

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put the bodge one back on... :o)

It's not off yet!! Busy building the new axle on the bench before putting it on the vehicle.

Is it going to ready in time????????

I imagine its gona be ready before Adrians now.. as it be dead at the mo. DOH.

Well, I'm planning on being ready for April. If all goes well I should make it. I get evicted from the garage in three weeks :o (a week of which I'm away ice climbing :D:D ) but I hope to have all of the heavy work done by then. The axle is the last major change.

Adrian sounds like he's got some real fun on his hands. The results will be interesting though. ;)

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ruddy week off... swine...

I want to go on hols.... grrrrrrrr.

the results - interesting - - yeah thats a way of saying it.. personnaly I aint looking forward to it, is is gona be knackered as I am not alloud in the motor and he is moving sooo much quicker (once its fixed that is..)

It's not off yet!! Busy building the new axle on the bench before putting it on the vehicle.

Well, I'm planning on being ready for April. If all goes well I should make it. I get evicted from the garage in three weeks :o (a week of which I'm away ice climbing :D:D ) but I hope to have all of the heavy work done by then. The axle is the last major change.

Adrian sounds like he's got some real fun on his hands. The results will be interesting though. ;)

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