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BAMA Saxon Express

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Although it's no spectator, if you are down around Bovington Camp this saturday, don't be suprised to see lots of military land rovers (and some civvy land rovers) looking lost.


Saxon Express is a mixed discipline event, with a scatter, autotest and trial. My last marshal post of the day is a Moreton Ford, late afternoon. It'll be high, so interesting

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I shall be there, Navigating for Darth Dicky in his 90. We are hoping to get to all the events this year. The southern ones in his 90 with him driving and the Northern events in my 90 with me driving 

Very much looking forward to it



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  • 11 months later...

Next Saturday, on the 15th of March. Saxon Express again, still at Bovington


"I won't be at Leconfield, but I hoping to make Mudmaster and will definitely be at Magnum Spirit" in the end I didn't make either, thanks to my old friend Sepsis. Just thankful to hopefully be there this time. 

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Saxon Express was, as usual. brilliant. The the whole training are was like porridge with grinding paste mixed in, so hard going for all. There were a few fairly major stucks, but it all went well

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  • 3 months later...

We competed and won the Road Master event last weekend over at Leconfield. Although this year it didn't involve any on road driving it was all on the off road defence driver training site.


Sorry no photos to show as we were to busy enjoying ourselves and DarthDicky who normally takes all the photos was navigator

I can't make it up to Mud master in october due to a small child arriving around that time. 


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3 hours ago, Jon W said:

We competed and won the Road Master event last weekend over at Leconfield. Although this year it didn't involve any on road driving it was all on the off road defence driver training site.


Sorry no photos to show as we were to busy enjoying ourselves and DarthDicky who normally takes all the photos was navigator

I can't make it up to Mud master in october due to a small child arriving around that time. 


But plenty of time for Magnum Spirit in December

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