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Educate me on Freeleanders please...


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We are seriously looking for a freelander to replace my Mrs's astra.

She would like a 3-door soft or hardtop one. We are looking at something around the 2000/2001 year mainly from a price point of view. For a similar reason we have pretty much discounted the td4 models as they seem to go for too much money.

This leaves us with the 1.8 and the V6...

Given the amount of mileage she does (not much) the V6 is perfectly viable, and hopefully gives a bit more 'poke' but only seems to come in auto. Were they made with manual box's? What sort of performance versus mpg can you expect from the V6? Are there any horrors to look out for?

I am aware of the 1.8's head gasket issues, but I believe that can be rectified, if it hasn't already on a car this age. Again, are there any other things to look out for?

I am happy doing stuff at home on Landies, manily cos I know I have this place to fall back on if there are problems or issues. This is one of my main motivations for the freelander. The current Astra is basically a black box to me, and I can't seem to find a kowledgeable community to help me out. Am I deluding myself that I should be able to maintain the Floda, or am I going to be back at the mercy of the local garage to get stuff sorted?

Lastly, does anyone have a v6 3 door floda they can part ex an astra for???? ;)



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Hi Mark,

The V6's are all autos. MPG is quite heavy - never seem to get much more than 230 miles on a tank from ones at work. Performance is good for Freelander, lots of revs and noise and reasonably brisk speed.

Check for loss of water/contamination in the header tank for the V6 too. Listen to start up from cold, if it sounds rattley, usually because the butterflies on the inlet manifold are past their best and it requires some expensive bits; about £400 at main dealer and I think engine map is changed to help prevent reocuurence. I'm sure someone with more tech knowledge will elaborate!

If your looking to off road the freelander then the auto is definately better.

Check for uneven wear/feathering on rear tyres.



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I am aware of the 1.8's head gasket issues, but I believe that can be rectified, if it hasn't already on a car this age.

Check this thread if you haven't already seen it.


Pity you discounted the TD4. I know of a 3 door for sale just north of Ringwood/Bournemouth. PM me for more info if you like.


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Had a look through that thread, and it confirms all the things I had heard about the 1.8...

However, in our true impatient style, we bought a 1.8 today... :D

We only discounted the td4 on price really. The equivalent 1.8 to td4 specwise was over a grand dearer, and that wasn't really taking into account the mileage.

In the end we found ourselves an '03 plate 1.8 three door with 19k on the clock for reasonable money, and that included p/x'ing the astra. I will post up a thread in the members vehicles section as soon as we take delivery.



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Tim, The info was invaluable. I always like to go into a car place knowing what I am talking about, even if I don't let on. It helps me work out what is sales patter and what is genuine with the place in question. In general this place seemed very good, and at least as honest as you can expect for a motor trader... :P



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the V6 may only do 230 miles to the tank but the tank only holds 59lt. I think the V6 does around the mid twenties.

We have a 2.0d 99 and the racer which is a 1.8 and both are good as gold remembering that they are Land Rovers..

We sold the td4 Dakar....

I still think power wise there is very little in it between the L series and the td4 before you start to play with them.

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Well, this is the promotional photo of the new member of the fleet:


I have been told I am not allowed to play with it, but ..... it really does need some bigger wheels, and some roof bars, and, and... :D

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