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Happy ST Georges Day


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eveyone else celebrates their patron saint day because deeep down they feel they're country is inferior to everyone elses so they have to shout about. We don't fel inferior, therefore we don't need to shout about our own country.

alternatively we're stupid idiots for missing out on a fine excuse for a drink up

can't quite decide which argument has more worth!

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eveyone else celebrates their patron saint day because deeep down they feel they're country is inferior to everyone elses so they have to shout about. We don't fel inferior, therefore we don't need to shout about our own country.

alternatively we're stupid idiots for missing out on a fine excuse for a drink up

can't quite decide which argument has more worth!

nah- we dont celebrate our patron saint because

1) all the major parties are scottish now so theres no political will to have an English national holiday.

2) if you show any degreee in pride in calling yourself English you are branded a racist/football hooligan / bigot and told you should be ashamed.

c) its not politically correct - because we should be celebrating every other culture other than the one people want to buy into when the come to this country.

well quite frankly they can shove it up thier A**e, Petal carries the Cross of St George not the Union Jack :)

home rule yaaaaaaaaay

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Minor correction to the above post. I am as patriotic as they come. You have a union flag on petal. It is only called the the union jack when flying from the jack staff on a boat. Or so I'm led to believe. Either way it's good to roll out the patriotism every now and again.

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