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My series 2 got a problem....

:unsure: I got no good sound in high gear in my Fairey overdrive. In low gear it is nothing, but when I change it in high its whiining.

:) There is a answer in this forum, I know, which bearing is the problem. Thanks for all help :)

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To be honest I think they all whine. I had one fittedn to my Series III it whined whenever it was engaged. I had it completely rebuilt and it still whined. BTW you are not supposed to use the overdrive in low range.



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I suspect that when Ragnar writes "In low gear it is nothing," he means low in relation to Overdrive, ie Normal drive, as opposed to Overdrive.

Yes, I think Ragnar means direct drive, not low range.The reason that there is no noise in direct drive is that the gears in the overdrive are just spinning but are not under any load. Direct drive merely locks the OD input shaft to the output gear with the synchro dog clutch.

Operating the vehicle in transfercase low range with overdrive engaged does not strain the overdrive any more than when in high range, because the torque multiplication takes place after the overdrive not before it.

Anyway back to ,the problem. The noise in overdrive range is usually due to the case hardening wearing off the upper rear gear in the overdrive box.This gear is supprted by a large ball bearing that can be seen by removing the 4 bolt rear cover.

Unfortunately the gear wear issue is a common one due to excessive heat build up and breakdown of the lubricant. Personal experience has shown that in many cases once this gear has worn out, the input shaft and gearbox adaptor sleeve are also due for replacement, due once again to poor lubrication. The cost of these components alone usually makes an effective repair an uneconomical proposition.


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