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4X4 DEBATE on Radio 2

Les Brock

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The funnest thing is here in Aus at the moment . There is a ford add where. about 20 trucks turn up outside a school. All nissan, Toyota with big bull bars and snorkles. Dropping of kids at the school. Then the mums get out and are talking when a new Ford Territory drives down the road. Which piont they all look with eveny

The point of the add is it is a better 4wd to take you you kids to school. Not like in the Uk of try to stop you from buying a 4wd to take the kids to school :lol:

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Who in their right mind leaves a fridge open for 7 years? your milk would go off! :rolleyes:

Size? Pah! my 110 is smaller than my 200sx! And I'm sure my 200 does more damage to the environment with its de-catted 2.0 turbo engine, big noisy exhaust and burning rubber tyres. Everyone get the sports car, that's the real enemy!! :ph34r:

On a more serious note, these people do my head in. Especially those who are eco friendly to be cool (yes i'm looking at YOU, university students! lol) and those who abuse a position of power in politics or the media to give people a private opinion rather than an unbiased fact.

That said, the majority of vehicles used as a status symbol for those who really don't need them sure are a waste of time and space. Plus these days though big engines are no longer consigned to 4x4's. People want more power and the government wants low emissions. That means badly tuned big engines.. guzzle guzzle guzzle..

Rant over (ish) :D

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"We do not supply an email address otherwise we will get spammed by pro 4x4 people."

I wonder why... :rolleyes:

Nobody seems interested in mr BMW or mr Merc with his big fat V8 engine in his prestige car (which weighs the same as a "gas guzzler" 4x4) and I wanted to politely ask why. I smell scapegoating..

Just rest easy knowing most people will continue to do whatever the hell they like and tell the damn hippies to shut up and start thinking about getting a job building a nuclear power plant. I for one will string them all up if they cover my coastline with wind turbines.. but that's another issue.. and breathe.. and calm.. :angry:

...and that sure was one ugly dog.

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