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Turbo Trouble


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I had a TD5 turbo fail on me a few months ago so i bought a recon one (not cheap) and guess what, thats now broken.

I took the turbo back where i purchased it from as it was under warranty only to be told the parts weren`t at fault so it`s not covered.

They said it looks as if it had been starved of oil at some stage ???.

Before i spend my hard earned on another what checks can i make to make sure this doesn`t happen again. I always let the engine run for 15 secs before switching off and there was oil present in the turbo when i took it off.

Any help greatly appreciated thanks in advance


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No i didn`t so i suppose it is my faut then, i won`t be making that mistake again, but funilly enough the supplier did not advise me to.

Also when the turbo failed there was smoke which would indicate that it was getting oil at the time, is oil starvation something i should investigate further (how is this done) or could it be all down to the fact it was not primed in the first place?.


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As well as priming the turbo with oil (in accordance with the suppliers instructions), it is worth replacing the oil hoses to/from the unit. This would help ensure it gets sufficient oil from the gallery in the block, at the right pressure.

Smoke at the time of turbo failure could be due to the shaft running out of true on damaged bearings and oil getting past a damaged seal.

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They would have to strip the turbo in oder to determine the fault was oil starvation. If they haven't, then they might be trying to pull a fast one. Priming a turbo before starting the engine is important though, but I have been told that the oil pressure gets up within a couple of seconds and unless you rev it right from the start it should be ok.


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I was told they had stripped it to examine the problem, and that was the answer they gave.

Secondly is it worth me getting this unit back off them and trying to have a go at fixing it myself i presume that all the nuts, bolts, etc should be loose enough to remove with it being spripped by them. I`ve seen kit`s for the gt20 on the net for £40.


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