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Dartmoor, Exmoor

V8 Freak

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Mrs Freak looking at getaway destinations for the future school holidays etc.

Was wondering if I should be convincing her to let us go in the 110 if there are some "gentle" lanes for us to explore in either location, Exmoore / Dartmoor... I say gentle because there will be 5 of us in the 110 the way she is planning and we will be travelling alone.

Any suggestions welcome... Tony, James.... Beware.. We may be passing by ! :)


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Very little on Exmoor. Could chose your route carefully and take in some nice fords. Tarr Steps and another in Washford, both worth it if you are passing that way

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There is very little now on either , Exmoor used to be host to some of the best lanes I have ever driven , Kersham was a cracker and Bury corner , Unfortunatly all the do gooders in this free country have put a stop to us driving them now .

But as mark says Tarr Steps is quality when we have had a load of rain .

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There are a few (a handful at best) in the Dartmoor National Park……………plenty right on the edge of the DNP …………….

Very few BOAT’s in Devon…………. most are UCR’s (probably 90%) ……………….

I could easily find a weeks worth of lanes all within 30 minutes drive from my location………………..

Most of the ‘Byways’ on Exmoor were lost as they were mostly RUPP’s …………..



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There is very little now on either , Exmoor used to be host to some of the best lanes I have ever driven , Kersham was a cracker and Bury corner , Unfortunatly all the do gooders in this free country have put a stop to us driving them now .

But as mark says Tarr Steps is quality when we have had a load of rain .

I was up Kersham Lane the other day. It's getting a little bit interesting just before the corner where the hole was. Was a little rough under foot, prob just getting interesting if you were to drive it now. Next year I would imagine it will be interesting again but not as good as it was in it's hey day

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UCR's would be fine.. Like I say, nothing to much as we will be 5 up +dog and only my Son has ever been with me when we've done anything remotely off-road.. The others will be looking forward to "nice views"...

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