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New front doors, Wolf style or push button?

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Basically my front doors are a bit knackered, and I want new ones. Having looked at both types, I've noticed that the push button ones are cheaper? Why is this?

Which ones are stronger and will wtihstand more abuse!?


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I'm just about to fit Series 3 doors becuase I cant afford army (wolf) style doors. they are so expensive becuase everyone wants them and they have aluminium door tops.

Push button doors would be knackerd on my landrover the first time they go off road as I am always squeezing though tight spots and scraping the side :-S I prefer the look of lift up handles too :)

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Cheapest option is to go for series 3/ early 90 two piece doors- Plus you can take the tops off in the summer/ or when really offroading. Bottoms are about £40 each as are glazed door tops- You can go all exotic and get all Aluminium door tops to prevent rust- Rocky mountain do some but they are about £150 a pair IIRC, or you can get military all Aluminuim ones- generally expensive but they do come up on ebay etc for sensible money.

New one piece doors will cost you the earth and decent 2nd hand ones will also cost you the earth and are as common as rocking horse poo!

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as the owner of some aluminium topped split doors, i can say that they are not so weathertight. my fight with a tree once means one side just doesn't seal so tightly, but then the wind really blows you get draughts thgough the drainage holes and between the windows. the door tops also pull out at motorway speends letting in draughts and making noise.

i relaly like their simplicity, but i wish they would better keep out the weather. the problem is they're just not rigid enough.

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I have exactly the same problems with my early lift up handel one piece doors. The tops are flimsy and weather (even actual snow drops !!!) get in and it was made worse after like you, a fight with a tree :unsure: So I dont think you loose any water-proof-ness ( :wacko: is that a word?) or wind noise refinment by having any other type of landrover door such as slide window door tops etc.

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