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Back on the Road!!


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Just a quick post to say thanks to the peeps who share their knowledge on here, I got the Disco MOT'd and taxed yesterday (thankgod its pre '01!) and it's bloody marvelous to be mobile again instead of being driven or driving her Renault skateboard!

Had a quick spin up the hill behind the house and took a few pics that I've posted in the Albums section. Nothing exciting and no mods but it means a hell of a lot to me, more so as I did all the necessary work myself.




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Thanks Alex. The pic was taken today at Blarmachfoldach, (pronounced Bla mah fol cha ), about a hundred meters above the end of the West Highland Way, the footpath from Glasgow to Fort William, I could see very tired looking walkers just below me as I leant back and enjoyed a cuppa! :lol:

This is the back of the hill I live on but I'm at the front, overlooking the Loch.

Great having the Disco back on the road, it's been weeks! If ever there was an incentive not to drink and drive and risk losing it, it's not having your car for a few weeks! :(

Talked last night with my friend in Rathmullen (by coincidence) and I understand you've been having the same great weather we've been experiencing. Just hope this isn't our summer!

If you're this way stop in for a brew,



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hi mate. great to see your mobile again. love the view. i always wanted to drive the west highland way, is it open for cars these days? never been to the road opening. just to the ben itself. and the loch. im so jelous,

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Hi python, thanks mate. I'm afraid you can't drive it anymore to the best of my knowledge but at the end, for the last couple of miles,there's a logging track parallel to it slightly further up the hill, to the north, on the west face of Mullach nan Coirean (this hill backs on to Cow Hill!! :P )

The snow is just going off the Ben with the good weather we've had and the Six Day Trials have gone well (bikers everywhere and full pubs!).

Afer living and working all over the world but based in the south of England, near Brighton, for so long, it's great. What is it they say, Eskimos have 20 words(?) for snow.....well, here there's 30 words for different colours of green and a 100 for types of rain!!

As you probably know, you dont have to go off road here to enjoy it, the Ardnamurchan pennisula is great too, you can drive miles on single track,dodging the sheep, and not see a house, let alone people, for hours. Just remember the Skin So Soft for the midges!!



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i keep skin so soft in the truck all the time, thanks for the info, shame though, would have made a great day out. never mind im off to drumclog this weekend coming, three days of comp safari to marshal. :P you should look into slroc and get yourself off to one of the events, always a great time. if you need more info just shout mate. jon :)

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Thanks jasp and jim. Yes, very much the novice on cars so been a steep learning curve (wearing fecking crampons in the workshop!), even if pretty basic stuff for a lot of the guys on here. And as for helping a bit, thats like saying the popes a bit of a catholic! Great site and knowledgeable, friendly members.

I washed the greasy fingerprints off the front wings and bonnet, got carried away and waxed 'em and, bloody hell, its shiny! Might do the rest and get mistaken for a tourist!

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