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Radius arm correction advice please

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If its off road only why are you bothered?

And i would go for corrected swivels as pointing the diff nose up is bennificial to the prop angle under travel, i pointed the diff nose on my back axle at the transfer box and even under silly amounts of travel the lower uj is not even close to binding.


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Which bushes is it pulling on? the ones to the chassis? AFAIK the corrected arms do not solve this although i could be wrong, Why not just bend the ones you have?

Si hinted that he os working on some front ones so why not wait for these?


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Have just bought some OME castor bushes with arms for £20, so will put these on and see what happens

You will loose articulation as there will be less movement in the axle end bushes. Also caster correction will not help if you are running into issues with the chassis end bush. This is unlikely unless you are running a huge amount of lift.

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You will loose articulation as there will be less movement in the axle end bushes. Also caster correction will not help if you are running into issues with the chassis end bush. This is unlikely unless you are running a huge amount of lift.

Ok :blink: I also have some 3 degree qt arms. Will they restrict the front articulation as well?

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Nope but they might bend :lol:

Neither castor correction arms or bushes will improve the situation at the chassis end, if you want more 'flex' you can drill the bushes, if you want to ease the stress on the chassis bushes you need to bend the arms.


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pretty obvious really, i'd go for a ring of 4-8 holes but my motor is really wallowy anyway so poor handleing wouldnt bother me, obviously the more holes the more flex up to a certain point i would guess.

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What Will said ^^^^

The idea problem with getting articulation with the hockey stick arrangement is the inherent anti roll characteristics - to get more you have to loose some of this. not trying to teach you to suck eggs but from your post I'm not sure you've got the grasp of what's going on. With a hockey stick arrangement as one wheel moves down that side of the axle 'wants' to move down in an arc defined by the hockey stick. Because this mounts at 2 points on the axle the angle of the axle also wants to change (in the case of droop the castor angle 'wants' to reduce). The opposite is true for the other side of the axle which will be in bump travel - the castor angle will want to increase as the axle rolls upwards. If the bushes were solid the axle wouldn't articulate - the difference in rotation is taken up by deformation in the bushes hence why slotted/holed bushes help here but they will not improve on road handling.

My description may not be the best however to demonstrate it go and get a broomstick and hold it in cupped hands with your forearms held horizontal. Now move one hand upwards relative to the other pivoting it at the elbow - the stick will rotate in one of the hands.

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Nope but they might bend :lol:

Neither castor correction arms or bushes will improve the situation at the chassis end, if you want more 'flex' you can drill the bushes, if you want to ease the stress on the chassis bushes you need to bend the arms.


There are castor correction radius arms that are also bend to improve at the chassis end. The QT 6° version definetly has a bend in it so as to be level at the chassis end.

As for drilling the bushes, I found that a big hole (10mm) straight above and below the bolt-hole gives great improvement.

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