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Does the forum have a monthly meet?


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Did anything come of a SW meet? I was/am looking forward to this.

Paul? Luvvers?


Hi Chris,

Here is an update:-

David got in touch with me at the weekend regarding a venue The George Inn - Middlezoy

Unfortunately at this late stage I am completely booked up with commitments before returning to Transylvania on the 27th. I had a discussion with David regarding a presentation during my next trip in January. It was agreed that this may be a better time anyway after the x-mas break? So, I have contacted the George Inn and received a list of possible dates, which I have forwarded to David. All we need now is a consensus of opinion, middle or end of January 09?

For those that are interested further north, I will be giving a presentation at the Brunswick brewery, Derby this Thursday November 20th between 7-9pm. Please add your name to this thread if you intend to attend as room size depends on numbers.

Not really sure what you mean "Paul? Luvvers?"

I have just received my final and completed company video, which I have just embedded into my website. This should give you a flavour of what we can offer. You will see that this video is aimed mainly at those interested in wildlife, but we hope to complete another soon which will concentrate on 4x4, overland trips.



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