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Oh deep deep joy

Exmoor Beast

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cold, shivering, damp and bruises..................you can keep it :lol:

The first three I have covered, or rather 'The North Face' have covered.

I imagine I will be black and blue this time next week, usually alright for a the first few days when the ski edges are sharp and I am on par. After a few days the edges go off and I will be seriously down on sleep not to mention the effect drinking schnaps etc has.

Will :)

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good weather site that Will, looks as though Zermatt's got similar temp to here, [more snow tho' <_< ] remember to bring warm clothes! :ph34r:

-10°C most of the day at 1800M today. -19 at the top.. slow progress on the sw conversion, a few flakes this afternoon, although she now has basically 4 doors, should keep the snow from getting into the dash.

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