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Would I need a SVA if I.......?


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Ok I have done a few serches regarding the SVA. As I understand it if I wish to modify a vehicle and alter the chassis then I will almost certainly need a SVA, but if I took my discovery and built a trayback with the chassis unaltered is this likly to need a SVA? I know most people who trayback loose the rear section of chassis but I'm not looking at doing that.

your thoughts please, I will make some calls to try and get an answer from the powers who be :ph34r: , but I would like some opinions first.



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If you're not chopping the chassis about, keeping the original engine & drivetrain it's essentially a rebodying exercise which shouldn't mean SVA time, unfortunately it very much depends how bright the person is on the other end of the phone and if they understand the question.

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If you're not chopping the chassis about, keeping the original engine & drivetrain it's essentially a rebodying exercise which shouldn't mean SVA time, unfortunately it very much depends how bright the person is on the other end of the phone and if they understand the question.

Thanks for that, I thought that was the case. So should I start with the DVLA or VOSA?


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VOSA will be the people who make the final decision, so they might as well be your starting point.

IMO, take the vehicle to your local inspection centre and discuss the idea with the people that will be doing the final inspection. You are in a position where you can take the vehicle and point at what you are going to do and with the aid of a program like Photo Shop, you could even show them what the finished item might look like...

Sounds like, as Fridge says, a re-body job, so you should be OK. This is just my opinion - I am not a VOSA inspector!

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VOSA will be the people who make the final decision, so they might as well be your starting point.

Is it not the other way round? - DVLA make the decision as to whether the V5 can just be changed, they need to see the vehicle or an SVA is required. VOSA only carry out the test

And I wouldn't bother with the phone - go to your local office and ask them for advice, all my dealings with the DVLA have found them to be much more helpful face to face, chances are you can see one of the people who'll decide rather than just talk to a phone monkey

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Agree with sheeppimp, go to local DVLA office, talk to them, arrange an inspection with all necessary paperwork, then they will decide whether it requires an SVA and refer the vehicle to VOSA.

Well, thats what happened with my Hybrid, it was deemed a body swap, and the V5 was amended accordingly to reflect the new vehicle description.

Telephoning the DVLA was not particularly helpful, from my experience, the local office was better.

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Thanks for that guys, so off to the local DVLA office for me then! Taking the vehicle has its own problems as it's without a mot at the mo and needs a boot floor, hence the tray back idea. Will try and go and see them when I have 5 min.

Now the next question, would it be easier to modify a RR roof rather that a disco one? as far as I can tell the body is the same to the B pillar so it shouldn't be too dificult :ph34r: Has anyone done this? thoughts please


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