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Defender security issue

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On my Defender I at present have the following security measures installed: Meck Lock; electrical cut-out (in the form of a battery isolator switch); full metal jacket; heavy chain and padlock between floor and steering wheel.

With the exception of the chain and possibly the FMJ (depending on lighting conditions), these are not visible deterrents. Thus I am thinking of adding something very visible, i.e. a steering wheel lock.

I know that steering wheel locks are mostly (or perhaps entirely) no obstacle to the determined thief (for example, it has been said on this forum, I think, that the Disc Lock can be undone in 15 seconds). Nonetheless, I think a steering wheel lock would be worth having as a first line of defence (as far as protection inside the vehicle goes). Which is the strongest / best/ most secure sreering wheel lock? Please bear in mind that it has to be one that the chain and padlock won’t get in the way of.

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On my Defender I at present have the following security measures installed: Meck Lock; electrical cut-out (in the form of a battery isolator switch); full metal jacket; heavy chain and padlock between floor and steering wheel.

If you are worried about the cost of smashing a window/door lock to then find out they can't steal it, leave the doors unlocked. ;) ;)

I think you have enough security measures already.


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I think there is no way to extend the time it takes to open a defender to more then 15 seconds.

But you could make the stay inside the vehicle more unpleasant e.g. by installing a sirene inside the vehicle, stick a raisor blade in the back of the steering wheel, peppergas sprayer (not recommended).....

For keeping them from driving away with it a small hidden switch to the cut off solenoid would be cheap and effective.

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In my op, I should probably have also mentioned that I have some window grilles already fitted and will have a complete set. Also I intend to fit better locks. In this regard i would be glad to hear any comments/advice about mortice locks on the five doors. i believe I've read somewhere that this has been successfully done and is pretty effective.

I live in oman and have taken / am taking all these security precautions in view of the overland trip we are planning, originating here (where security is hardly an issue).

Better safe than sorry, I guess, but nothing can be 100% secure. (I amagine, though, that in Tajikistan or Turkey, your average thief doesn't drive around in a low loader and with a crane. I could be wrong.)

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