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OT One For BogMonster and other plane buffs


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Yeah I heard about that on the news this morning, a lot of history with the Sea Harrier round these parts of course. I don't know when I last saw one in flight though, as fas as I recall all the Sea Harriers left when the carriers went, and the GR3s took over air defence, then the Phantoms came along once the runway was lengthened, the two types flew together here for a while, then the GR3's left, Phantoms were scrapped, we now have Tornado F3's and I guess their days are numbered too.

I must be getting old - they seem to be scrapping all sorts of things that I remember. The Fearless was junked a while back, and the old cross-channel ferry "Norland", that brought me home a month after the liberation (we got kicked out) was scrapped a while back too... Wessexes have long gone, Scouts as well I think, "hitched a lift" in both of those as a 10 year old!

Like I said I must be getting old.... :(

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FA2 Sea Harrier, waste, GR7/9 Harrier can only lunch-off ASRAAM's/AIM-9L, good if your target hasn't blown you out the sky till your less than a couple of miles from it so you can launch it



Sad day - I remember seeing a Harrier (don't remember which type) at an Air show many years ago as a kid..... and being blown away (almost literally) by an incredible display of flying skill by the pilot who demonstated the things only a harrier can achive bowing to the crowd, the very short take off and landing etc etc.

Very impressive.......

Then of course there was the contribution made to liberating the Falklands - still can remember the grainy images being beamed from the South Atlantic as they streaked across the sky line giving the Argies a good kicking =- woops sorry it's all over now..........forgive and forget and all that.......

I suppose we must move on but whilst the Eurofighter will at some point finally kill of the Tornado I'm not sure what will step in to the role of the Harrier.....

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The JSF will eventually take over from GR7/9's on carriers, some if not all FA2's will/have come to the RN's school of flght deck handling at culdrose were I work on FRADU :D

FRADU aye? that reminds me of the FRADU Hunter's that we used to deal with for trials, lovely aircraft, the Hunter's we had here were pensioned off by the management as they didn't give the "modern image" that the company wanted, which has meant the lastest project I have worked on has been a right trouble as we aint got an aircraft to do the job :huh:

Shame if it does carry on and the goverment get led by the nose by the American's into buying JSF, replacing an aircraft design that we gave to the Americans, with one we are having to BUY from the Americans, would rather see us buy the French Marine Rafale that the French Minister offered to us a month back when the Americans were being obstructive on JSF :(

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Not in my lifetime ;)

Mmm know how you feel....

One of those 'can you remember what you were doing when' moments is a vivid memory of being around my parents in law TV watching the news coming in of the attack on HMS Sheffield.......we were transfixed and stunned by the images we saw.

Obviously nothing compared to being there, but in an age were images of war are beamed virtually live into our homes I think the images of the burnt out shell of HMS Sheffiled probaly define what modern media coverage of warfare is probably about............

OK then lets go and kick the sh!t out the Argies.........

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