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Speedo pinion housing

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Right. Having found some venerable advice on this very forum concerning removal of the aforementioned speedo pinion 'ousing, I approached the vehicle from an easterly direction with a wire brush, and proceeded to give it a proper going over. Using an approved chokehold, I apprehended and removed the speedo cable retainer and set about prising the pinion housing from the parent lump of transfer box with extreme prejudice, a sharpish screwdriver and LR special tool no.1, as per the venerable advice.

This succeeded in chipping off part of the pinion 'ousing and nearly causing me to completely lose my temper. However, I kept my cool and crept up on the blighter from above armed with an old wood working chisel and a rubber mallet.

After a brief altercation, I now have a scrap chisel and am running out of sticky-out bits to work with.

I suspect should stop before I break something (or I nadger the Landy), but as I am certain I have the wrong colour cog, does the house have any alternative methods of removing the s****ng f**k**g b**tar* thing I could try? (yes, taking the handbrake drum off and going at it from behind :ph34r: had occured to me, but I'm not convinced I'll do any better).

Yours in anticpation,


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give the housing a good soaking with PlusGas or WD40 & then get the chisel under the edge & lever the housing upwards, there's a rubber 'O' ring seal around the outside of the housing to prevent any transfer box oil leaking out, nothing else holds it as you've already removed the 'U' clip & bolt.

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