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110 Station Wagon value

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Hi all

I'm wondering if I can get some opinions on a fair price for a 1993 110 station wagon - no pics available, but in a nutshell:

Good points - fairly recent recon lt77 gearbox, 200 Tdi engine was reconditioned 40k ago, axles&swivels ok. Most of exhaust looks new too. Body is straight, never off roaded. Vehicle had been rebuilt by Liveridge British some years ago - doesn't reflect well on them.

Bad points - chassis very rotten. Lost count of the number of poorly done patches on it - we're talking in the region of 15 small patches mostly on the main rails, most of the outriggers are replacements. Bulkhead quite bad as well - top of door posts starting to bubble though not holed, footwells have suffered from damp carpets trapping moisture for years, vents siliconed up. Bottom of B posts holed as well. All rear cappings very rotten. Doors not too great either.

No MOT, no tax. Interior not too bad, servicable. No chance of ever repairing this chassis, definately needs a new one. Bulkhead will need replacing really sometime in the next few years as well. The question is what do you think its worth? It's in the Western Isles, so fairly limited market and additional expense for anyone on the mainland to pick it up. Different valuations locally as well - one garage said £1500, another valuation from local garage went from £750 having had a quick look at it to £400 once it was up on the ramps and probed over. Initially I thought this was ridiculously low for a 110 TDi, but maybe not bearing in mind location and work required to get it back on the road (MOT ran out a month ago). The owner is not going to able to break it himself (as I'm sure it would be worth more that way) so what would a mainland UK breakers yard be likely to pay for this vehicle?

I'm considering this for a double cab conversion, but want to get opinions on what others are paying for similar project vehicles before I decide on whether to make an offer or pass on it. Thanks for any feedback.

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with the amount of work needed to rectify the chassis/body to a suitable standard for more use, I think I'd walk away from it, you'd have ferry & transport costs on top of any price for the vehicle too.

Hi western,

Should have pointed out the vehicle is only around 10 miles away from me so I wouldn't have to worry about shipping costs. I've done a full 110 CSW rebuild with my brothers a few years ago (all major steel bits galved) so should really know better than to consider this but I do like 110s and miss not driving one :D

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£500 maybe a bit more IF the engine really is ok and was rebuilt.

That way, if you do decide its too much work, there is some profit in it for your efforts to break it. New chassis alone will be ~£1300 so thats £1800 spent without any unexpected purchases - add another 500 (at least) on to cover for unexpected bits and you get to what the vehicle might be worth if it was running in ok condition and that doesnt take any of your time into account.

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Thanks guys

I'll tell the guy to put it in local paper first to see if there is any takers at the higher valuation given by the garage, I'll put in the offer of £500 as a backup for him at least at that I could have a new chassis fitted which would get it back on the road or break it and not lose out.

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