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Wobbly gearstick


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As previously mentioned I have some issues with my gearbox, namely a dodgy reverse gear. To this I have a just about non-existant reverse stop and a seriously wobbly gearstick.

The reverse stop I have managed to get a hang on (adjust adjuster screw, get back to having two rather than one spring in the reverse stop gate...) however the slackness in the gearstick eludes me. From the repair manual I gather that there is a spring inside the gearstick - could this be the culprit? As it stands right now the stick has no resistance whatsoever which, coupled with the reverse gate issues gives a rather interesting ride from time to time...

Does anyone know what this little spring inside the gear lever is called and if replacing this could be the end of my current woes?

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If the stick is very loose inside a gear, then it is more than likely the ball on the end of the stick worn - a friends 109 is lkie that, and the only way i can find first to to select second (fully over and back) and then carefully move forwards in a straight line, if you're not careful you get 4th or reverse. A new stick will cure this problem.

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Does anyone know what this little spring inside the gear lever is called and if replacing this could be the end of my current woes?

There is a spring in the selector top housing which holds the main ball central in the cup, and I think its 219723, but this will need confirming as I'm away from my series parts book. If this has broken or failed then the stick won't centre - could be the issue?

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I'm starting off in the budget order - i.e. a new spring - and if this doesn't fly a new stick is in the cards. Along with new springs for the reverse stop gate... As this is a LHD, wobble plus gate equals "oops backwards" instead if 1st gear forward - a nasty surprise for the guy behind me at a red light. :blink:

Would it be possible to machine new forks etc to get a more solid gear change "apparatus"? I'm obviously not looking for sports car gear slamming here, but not having to pray for not putting reverse instead of 1st would be a great comfort...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Problem solved!

This might be old hat to old hands and if so, sorry. Anyways, after ordering a new gear lever spring and some springs for the reverse stop gate and having some fun grinding down a nose plier (it took the mail service close to two weeks to get the package sorted and yes, I should have given the repair manual some better attention...) I got around to removing the lever - and it is such a joy to do wrench work in the pitch black at -5c...

Following a hefty dose of cussing, headscratching and a skinned knuckle, the gearlever was as floppy as ever! Lots of running around looking at the manual and confirming that 1) some of the pieces listed in the manual just wasn't there and 2) everything motor, Land Rover and at one stage, the world, was the pits, I saw the light!

In the gear lever assembly there is a spacer, going between the large onion-bulb-like part and the spring. In my case this spacer had taken shape after the bulb and together with wear on the aluminum housing part, generated a millimeter or so of slack, due to the spring not being able to properly engage the gearlever to the housing. Turning the spacer upside down promptly solved the problem...

Again, steep learning curve. And to other new adepts with sloppy/wobbly gearsticks, if it has play vertically, your problem could possibly be solved by turning a spacer upside down:-)

Next for carb functionality... Wish me luck!

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