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Hi < and A Merry Christmas to every-one on line.

I have a 1997 4.6 P38, which is giving me good service and a lot of enjoyment,but after a few days of being frozen up in this bad weather when I came to start it I got all four lights on my level indicator flashing, but my cars suspension didn't rise.

After a couple of try's I got three bleeps and the EAS Fault notice on my dash. I'm thinking maybe the compressor is frozen up. Will it rectify itself after it's thawed out, or is it deep pockets time ?

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After a couple of try's I got three bleeps and the EAS Fault notice on my dash.

You left it in a fault condition long enough for it to go into hard fault mode.

I'm thinking maybe the compressor is frozen up. Will it rectify itself after it's thawed out, or is it deep pockets time ?

Possibly compressor, possibly an ice freeze somewhere else. You had time to open the bonnet and physically check the compressor, but it sounds as though you didn't take advantage of that time.

When the system unfreezes the 'fault' will go, but the hard fault will need resetting. It's up to you whether you pay someone for that, or buy an EAS tool to do the resets yourself. The cost of paying someone varies depending on who you know / where you are. Develop your local network.

Resetting will not cure the basic fault, it will just allow the system to start working, until the next time.


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Thanks for the reply David. ( You had time to open the bonnet and physically check the compressor, but it sounds as though you didn't take advantage of that time.) If I Had gone under the bonnet David I wouldn't have known what to look for, or what to do at it. Cheers

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The EAS box is on the LHS (as viewed from the drivers seat) and is marked EAS. You would just listen for the noise of the compressor, or unclip the lid and rest your fingers on the compressor to feel if it was warm, or vibrating (which would show it either had run, or was running). HTH

For reset tools, although these don't sound as if they are appropriate to you, the alternatives are Blackbox Solutions in Cyprus (either the EAS Kicker or the EAS KIcker Lite from their Basic Bits range) https://blackbox-solutions.com/shop/index.php, or RSW Solutions http://www.RSWsolutions.com

I haven't used any of them, so cannot offer more detailed advice.


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part of the problem which leads to a frozen system is lack of servicing once a year atleast drain the air tank to remove mositure replace both the filter on the comp and if it is quite a old one then just check the air springs for leaking.

i have been out to 3 frozen systems in the last 2 weeks one was full of water and a classic which had had it's filter removed and not refitted comp full and the air bags he had water leveling suspension

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Hi me again. My P38 is frozen up again, but I shan't use it until after the big thaw. When I do get round to starting it again I will empty the compressor of water as previously suggested, but where is the the drain screw, & where is the desiccant ?

Regards sawcospoff

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