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Electrical Problem

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Got a small problem with my fuel gauge. The landrover is a 300 tdi 110 and Ive got the later speedo, gauges and warning lights from a td5 as per the wibbly wobbly speedo thread.

My problem is this... MyWhen I put the heater or headlights or both on, the fuel gauge goes up, telling me I've got more fuel than I really have. It moves up just under an 1/8th for each (lights and heater) and almost a quarter if both are on. I cant recall it doing this with the old gauge.

I think this must be an earth issue but could someone who knows more about this correct me...

Is the guage reading higher because the lights/heater are earthing through it to the tank and thus the lights and heater want a good quality, straight to battery earth of their own?


Does the gauge require its own unique, straight to battery earth that is independant of other circuits to read true?

Should I renew the earth to the fuel tank sender for any reason?

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if there is a bad earth somewhere, the load from the heater/lights can raise the potential of the ground above 0v, which will cause erratic readings.

Find out where the heater/lights ground, and try attaching a thick lead between that point and the battery negative to see if the guage fluctuation goes away.

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Mine does this too :) Heater only though. I have to turn it off to see how much i really have, but then it does run out when showing 1/4 tank left anyway... :ph34r:

I use the trip counter, much better!

Seriously though, i second the idea of checking earths are good.

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I tried as was said above a direct cable to earth and all was well.

The heater switch has a little tab where the earth connects to, I removed the wire, cleaned it up and ran a new earth direct to the battery. I did the same with the headlights, a seperate earth wire for each, straight to the battery.

All working, no variation AND much brighter headlights! :i-m_so_happy:

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