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discovery 3.9v8i on lpg


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new to this have driven a patrol for years but now looking to replace with a discovery

it seems to tick all the boxes for comfort ruggedness and a get anywhere vehicle currently looking at a 3.9 v8i disovery 1995 which is petrol and also lpg which has been professionally fitted with underslung tanks while keeping the original petrol tank

looking for answers to some questions

never driven a bio fuel vehicle before

what is the MPG for this

what should i be looking out for and obvious points

any help or info appreciated


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I have a 95 V8i 3.9 with LPG and underslung tanks.I deliberately looked for underslung tanks as one of the reasons I have a discovery is the carrying capacity.

The MPG is slightly less when running on LPG but is obviously cheaper. Based on the amount I spend on fuel (LPG and petrol) if I convert it to how many gallons of petrol I could buy for the same amount it comes out around the 28-30 mpg. This is a combination of local and motorway driving without having a lead right foot.

I tend to keep about a quarter tank of petrol for those occasions I can't find LPG, and for starting, the LPG cuts in when the engine warms up. I see no point in carrying the additional weight of a full tank around, nevermind the expense of it.

If you go down the LPG route it is essential that the ignition system is spot on including the routing of the leads. Ask when the LPG system was last serviced, it should be done every year, it doesnt cost much. Another point is that the level indicators for LPG are notoriously unreliable, the best way to know when to fill up is to check how far you can drive on a full tank to empty then use your trip meter as a fuel gauge.

Finally I would say go for it! I love mine.

And finally finally Welcome to the forum.

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I have a '94 3.9 auto that was converted very early in it's life (within months). Now has more than 300,000kms on it and still hasn't had a spanner near it. Economy (mainly highway) is around the 18 ltrs/100kms (petrol) and 22ltrs/100kms (LPG) - that's around 16 and 13 MPG in the old money. (That's corrected for the bigger tyres, too). Cheaper than a diesel to run on LPG and sounds way better with better performance, but the range is poor. 42ltrs of petrol (aftermarket aux tank), and 66 ltrs of LPG (twin scuba tanks, underslung). And mine's an older system with the 'orrible Impco 125 mixer. More modern injected systems are significantly better for both economy and performance.

Getting a Disco V8 has been one of the best decisions I've ever made :) Go for it!

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welcome to the forum. got a 97 v8I disco on gas. have owned since November. came at the right price. did in the first couple of weeks think ide made a big mistake. when ready to be regassed used to backfire and scare the dogs two streets away. was getting grief off her indoors, even refusing to drive it till i got it sorted. its been said that the igmition timing n leads are of paramount importance, i wholeheartedly agree with this. had a gas service and dizzy set up, leads and cap. now roars like a lion, returns better mpg, no backfiring, and the missus absolutely loves it.

result! :)

ps went for a basic 1 ( no leaking sunroof)

Cheers Wayne

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I've got a 1998 3.9 on LPG (underslung tanks, single point)

It's been very good, had a few of the usual issues with regards sunroof and spider unit but has overall been a good car to own. They certainly represent value for money in my opinion.

I'm actually looking at replacing mine as my daily driver but am considering keeping it and turning it into a greenlane truck.

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i also have an LPG 3.9 disco, with underslung tanks.

i get about 14 MPG running back and forth to work, and about 17mpg on a long run at a steady 65mph

i've had some issues recently with the ignition system, which resulted in some small backfires in the air intake. it's done no damage, it only blows the airfilter off as i leave the clips slightly loose. once the ignition issues were rectified it's fine again now.

you said that you've not driven a bio fuel vehicle before, well that's OK as LPG is not a 'bio fuel', it's still a refined fossil fuel, the same as petrol and diesel is.

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you said that you've not driven a bio fuel vehicle before, well that's OK as LPG is not a 'bio fuel', it's still a refined fossil fuel, the same as petrol and diesel is.

I'd assumed it was a typo and meant to be bi-fuel...

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  • 1 year later...

What would you be expecting to pay for such a disco?

It's got 132k on the clock, with sketchy service history

It's and ES model, so nicely loaded up. It's got LPG, although there is a slight misfire when it's hot. I heard it blowing slightly on the exhaust manifold [OS].

It's got a bit of rust on the rear cross member and on other places.

The guy wanted about 1500 for it, that seemed a bit much. I was thinking about 800-900.

What do we think?

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