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Anyone used this supplier............


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Land-rover-parts-shop.com..... they appear to be flippin hopeless.... 2 weeks since i placed my order, not heard a word since the paypal email confirming payment was sent...........

sent a couple of emails, nothing..... they claim to be an E company only,............ well, they're useless at it!!

Rant over..... for now!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Parts finally arrived today, turns out they were waiting on a genuine bypass hose, took me two phone calls a week apart to get it sorted, i accepted an allmakes bypass hose instead of genuine, and they even re-imbursed me the difference............

oddly though, i ordered a genuine LR 300 bottom hose for the 90, and even that has come in bits with plastic joiners....... when the original hose is moulded in one piece........ ho hum.

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i've just downloaded their iphone App. Seems ok, but covers mainly the big bits, but does give you part numbers for the items you find!, rather than those small bits that are hard to find numbers for (that's why we have western ;) ).

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