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Exhaust bracket rivnuts

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There is probably going to be an easy answer to this, so at the risk of being made to look like a numpty here... :(

The exhaust bracket in the middle crossmember is held in by 2 bolts which go into what I'm guessing are rivnuts.

removing the bracket recently I had to put the bracket under load to stop the rivnut spinning.

So is there a trick to tightening the rivnuts again before i refit the bracket.

spot weld? loctite? other?

Thanks for your help.


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Rivnuts are generally tricky to set properly without the right tool, but you may be able to tighten them by screwing in a bolt with nut on it and then tightening the nut against the rivnut. Make sure that you've got the bolt screwed right into the rivnut and that when you turn the nut you are not also turning the rivnut (several washers and some gear oil will help with this).

I would not try to weld them - apart from the fact that the weld will rust, you will probably distort the rivnut and make it much more difficult to get a bolt run freely in it. Loctite won't work either - it's an anaerobic adhesive so it won't set where you want it (between the rivnut and the chassis) and will set where you don't want it to (between the screw and the rivnut).


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Thanks Nick. I've seen something before about homemade rivnut devices along the lines of your description so I'll give it a go.



I've tried 2 different types of home made rivnut tool and http://www.fjr1300.info/howto/rivnut-tool.html works the best.

I also tried Simon's method at X-Eng (was at http://www.x-eng.co.uk/rivnut.asp but no longer there) but the nut just turned instead of squashing.

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