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Fathers day gift - a winch!

James NZ

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Hi all

After much internet research my son convinced my wife that my disco needs a winch. So that is what I got. The thing is I've never had a winch just the trusty highlift and i have to fit the winch cos they all want to go out and get me stuck so we can winch it out!! I have had a look at some of the bumpers available in the UK, but freights a killer. And local prices are silly too. So I thought of modifying and beefing up the centre part of my standard bumper for the winch and putting in some holes for the highlift. Not knowing how a winch is mounted I had a look here and found this thread http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=18265&hl=%20winch%20%20mounts&st=20.

This has a good picture of the back of a golddigger winch.My questions are -

So presumbly I need to make a tray arrangement for the winch to sit on?

What thickness steel should I use?

I had thought to make a 10mm bracket that connects to the original bumper holes and the other hole further back in the chassis. Like the bracket on the GD bumper.

By the look of this bumper the winch is reccessed into the grill?

Any other pointers?

Welding is not a problem. I would like the bumper to look original. The aero bit under the bumper has long gone and it has trimmed end caps. The car is a V8 with air con.

Thanks for any help, sorry if this has been covered before.

Cheers, James NZ

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Hi guys,

thanks for the replies. OF, thanks for the PDF it has been a help. Funnily enough, the scant material that came with the winch shows those same mounting dimensions. Sutty, I was thinking 10mm for the bracket that bolts to the chassis rail, not the mounting plate for the winch.

Going to talk to a mate this weekend so will let you know how the project develops.

Cheers, James NZ

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