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Help, I am after some reassurance. Noticed my Defender struggling to start a couple of weeks a go. Went to start after a week stood up starter moter only managing to click. Flat battery I thought, duly put battery on charge.

Reconnected battery and attempted to start, still only cranked very slowly. Like the fool I am continued to crank, nothing. When I say nothing not quite true, this was followed by smoke and flames from the area of the starting motor. Expletives followed, and a mad panic for the hose pipe. Now I am not stupid enough to think that the starter motor is going to be anything but u/s. However is this the portent to something more serious.

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Also want to check the earth strap. If this is damaged, missing or corroded then there is a good chance the power for the starter was trying to return via the speedo cable or something similar. Make sure the engine to chassis strap and battery to Chassis strap are good, unbolt each end, clean the bit it is attached to to make sure it has a good connection. Quite often poor starting or a slow starter can be traced to this.

Does kind of sound like the starter may be knackered though, never seen one develope and internal short and catch fire like that but it can happen.

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Many thanks all for wise words.Mind you it must have looked bloody funny me charging round like a demented Basil Fawlty trying to get water from a knarled up old garden hose. Now struggling to remove exhaust downpipe to begin to assess damage to offending article.

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