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Can any one knock one of these up ?

Les Brock

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Hi Chaps,

Still building slowly.......

Can any one knock one of these up for me ?, to allow me to go through the rear tub from the filler. down to the rear TD5 tank in a 90, Ideally with a spigot for the air escape pipe underneath .

Nige - You need the practice :rofl: ....... :P

Foldy notes available ;)

I will confirm pipe sizes once I've had a proper measure

Thanks for looking




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thanks for the reply,

this might show it better...but then again :unsure:

I'm no artist :moglite:

Filler Pipe I believe is 50mm, the spigot around 10/12mm but I will check the correct bore size tonight at home, just checking the water to see if anyone can make one for me

before I have to think of a different way to do it :ph34r:




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I've just had a look and we have more than enough ali to make one of these from our scraps bin, so I could knock you up one without any material cost. If you could finalise a few of the dimensions I could even weld it up tomorrow after lunch if sooner is better for you :) The more dimensions you give the better - but mostly how far below the plate it should go , how far above the plate the turn is , what angle the turn is. Oh and the size of the breather pipe.

Don't worry I'm not in it for money by the way - I enjoy interesting little fab jobs like this !

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Hi Len,

Hopefuly this is ok ;)

The filler pipe is 50mm External

The breather is 20mm External and really needs to come out at 45 degs to allow decent access without kinging the pipe, or making fitting awkward

I've kept the measurements to round figures

Ask away if it does make no sence whatsoever :blush:


Many thanks for this, Let me know what I owe you by PM, and how you'd like it....oh-er :moglite: ......and where to send it :i-m_so_happy:



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