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Refitting door windows

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Just rebuilding my landy after having had it resprayed. When I took the doors aprart the window channels were bollocked and the window glass came out with them in situe.

Any tips on putting the glass back in? Eg slide it into the channels then feed into the door then screw in or another way?



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I have a 1995 Defender and I found it easier to put the window on then fit the seals. I slid my ones in from the top with the window down then put the window up to seat them in. Dropped the window down again and checked nothing had moved then fitted all the little screws and adjusted the bottom spacing to keep the runner tight and put in the final screws. Make sure if you have replaced the seals that you bought the ones for the glass width as there are two sizes.


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They are windy ones.

Frax, thanks for the post. Good idea to wind them up to make sure of a proper fit! Thanks also for saying check i have bought the right size.....of course I haven't and have already cut them! I will now run to the shed to check!!!

What do you mean though by adjust the bottom to keep the runner tight?


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At the bottom of both seals/runners there is one small screw, if you wind down the window and the seal is letting the glass wobble about you may need to fit a shim. you get a metal strip which goes behind the seal. You may also require some sort of packer to keep the window tight in the seal when the window is down, I used rubber to pack my one out slightly and then fitted the screw. It is important that the window is a good fit even when open. If you dont do this the window will eventually start to drop on its own as the seals wear in especially if you go offroad. I found that before I did mine that if I opened the window by about 1" and drove up our farm road with lots of pot holes that by the time I was home the window would have rattled all the way down. The rattle from poor fitting windows also does my head in.



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^^^ i second this, if its not "tightish" in the slide at the bottom, when you slam the door with the window down it will jump out the slider rail at the bottom...

I'm on my second stripping/re-building of doors and both times I've withdrew and installed the glass with sliders/seals the lot in situe. I had the doors laid flat on the lawn, its a bit of a krypton factor workin out the right angle, but once you've got it, it fit in with little or no to do.

A tip is to keep the sliders loose at the bottom, gives you a bit leeway to get it in too.


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They should not be as tight to need two people to push them in, mind you dont bend or twist them to much when you push or they will be useless. Try some dash sine on the window edge and the plastic inserts or a slight smear of petroleum jelly (Vaseline)

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