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How can I identify my ABS sensors are OK

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Is there any way I can know this for sure? Mine is a 2001 TD5 and there is no response on ABS (when I purge using Nanocom, there is no the usual ABS response, but only little hits in the pedal). I want to make the system completely functional, so I'll start for sensors.

Another thing I was seeing is the presence of a bush in the place where the sensor goes. I think I don't have these bushes, can be this the reason of the non-function?

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Fist thing to do is make sure all sensors are pushed fully home. Often the system malfunctions when a sensor is too far away from the toothed ring it is supposed to be reading. You should get an error code in that scenario though I would have thought.

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ABS sensors should output a smooth waveform as the teeth go past it (wheel turning) with no gaps, jumps, etc., any oscilloscope you can beg/borrow/buy/steal will show it happily enough, at a push you could plug it into the audio input socket on your computer/laptop/tablet and watch the waveform in a sound recorder program (Audacity is good) but I can't promise it wouldn't damage your computer as I'm not certain on the signal size from the sensor.

Some info about the subject here: http://www.picoauto.com/tutorials/bmw-braking-issues.html

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May not be the sensor itself causing the errors - sometimes the metal ring gets rusted and broken causing ABS error codes. Happened on an old (1998 reg) Ford I have.

Was a cheap fix, but fiddly - £2 for the reluctor ring (as they are called) from Fleabay (Ford wanted £40) and then just a case of removing hub and slipping the ring on.

You can test each sensor with a multimeter - may need two people though. Jack up vehicle and put front on axel stands. Disconnect ABS sensor near the wheel and check resistance (ohms). Then spin the wheel by hand (this is where you may need a second person) and check that the ohms change. Indicates working sensor.

Repeat for each wheel in turn. Fiddly, but google checking ABS sensors with mulitmeter for more info/videos on youtube.

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