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Rubber seals on the alpine windows/lights

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I've refitted alpine lights and the rear side windows, the smalls one either side of the rear door. I reused the seals, but if your using new seals then I would say the following:

- The 'H' section seal, the one you fit first, is straight forward enough to fit by feeding in the glass slotting over the ali body word.

- The tricky bit is fitting the 'locking' seal. I managed with some soapy water in a squirty bottle and a smallish flat bladed screwdriver and slowly feed it into the gap all the way round. One thing you will find is that you'll have to get each end started first then do the middle bit as you will then be able to fit all the seal, as appose to starting at one end and finding you have a little bit left over as it has slightly stretched as you were fitting it.

I think you can buy a special tool for inserting the rubber strip, but I've got by with the screw driver method and I've fitted half a dozon windows!


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- The 'H' section seal, the one you fit first, is straight forward enough to fit by feeding in the glass slotting over the ali body word.

So, do you feed the h section over the aluminium first? Then put the glass in?

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You would start by feed the h section onto the ali, so feed about have on to make a 'u' shape, then you can slide the window in and then it just a case fitting the rest of the h section around the window and getting it lined up with the ali.

You will find you will need to push the glass and apply a bit of pressure and then the seal will slide around the ali sit in its propper position ready to add the locking strip.

Hopefully that makes sense, it's a little tricky to describe!


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