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hi just going to collect a 1990 landy has a 2.5tdi engine with 35k on the clock all documents to confirm milage is ex un landy with fsh but has been sitting in a barn and only been running around a farm for last 6 months. im more familiar with my 200tdi defender so is the anything i should look out for when i go to get this one keep being told the 2.5 engines are not as good as 200tdi defender ones hope someone can give bit advice on this cheers

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The 2.5 TD (not TDi) is a good engine if its well looked after. Not as fuel efficient as the TDi, and not as quick, but it'll still do you well if you look after it, they're much underrated engines. There are bad ones out there, I had one, but if its ex-UN, then it'll be good

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The vehicle should be alright, but are you sure it's a TD? at 1990, it should be a Tdi. The TD is not a good engine at all - it is fundamentally a bodge job - it was a hastily developed interim engine used to fix the embarrassing lack of performance and driveability the tough normally aspirated 12J diesel gave, with little more than the oilways for the turbo added. The compression ratio in addition to the turbo's boost was too high, and as a result the engine is highly prone to severely cracking heads and pistons. It's rare to find a moderate mileage engine without such damage, though some meticulously maintained and pampered vehicles do have them. At such a low mieage and with such a history, this engine should be good, but has it been abused on the farm? Look for heavy breathing from the rocker breather/filler cap when removed with the engine running, and look for oil leaks around the brake vacuum pump on the right side of the block, the head gasket (especially at the rear right corner), sump flange and the flywheel and timing casing drains.

A Tdi retro fit would ultimately be a good conversion, if you have the inclination.

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Hi thanks for the responce the engine turned out to be 11L the guy i got it from knew nothing about them he thought it was a 1991 and its a 1993 he only had it for 6 months and it just sat in his garage prior to that a lady had owned it and it wanted for nothng loads of paperwork from services ect shes had done it pulled like a little train sat happy at 60 mph on the motorway all the way from wales to glasgow and i was getting around 40 mpg so im very happy with my little landy now im going to give her a paint job and tidy up bonnets a bit ruff ect

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