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Importing a New Commercial Vehicle from Holland


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Hi all,

I'm considering buying a replacement mota as I need to rationalise the fleet and less wagons means less backup for when ones goes belly up. This means one of the fewer machines needs to be more reliable. :rolleyes:

I'm doing a bit of an exercise to see if there are still decent savings buying one abroad and importing it.

My Theory:

Advise Supplier that I want a UK Spec Vehicle and it will be exported to UK (Double Cab 110).

I guess that means I won't have to pay BPM & BTW in Holland but have to pay UK VAT when I get it back here.

Looking at dutch websites, I guess their prices already include their equivalent of VAT (which is neither BPM or BPW or have I got that wrong?) so I should be able to subtract that too?

I am a bit confused about our own VAT - I thought it was payable on all vehicles but companies can reclaim of commercials... However, I bought a 90 from a Franchise a few years ago and they told me that I had to pay VAT unless they fitted some windows in the back...

Any tips or suggestions from folk wiser than me, much appreciated!

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Hi Donald, BTW (19%) is VAT, the BPM is around 30-40%. If you look at a 110 double cab, chances are that there is no BPM on it, as it might be classed as a commercial vehicle, which don't pay BPM. Also, in the Netherlands companies can claim back VAT(BTW).

I think your supplier will be able to advise you on these tax matters.


Hi all,

I'm considering buying a replacement mota as I need to rationalise the fleet and less wagons means less backup for when ones goes belly up. This means one of the fewer machines needs to be more reliable. :rolleyes:

I'm doing a bit of an exercise to see if there are still decent savings buying one abroad and importing it.

My Theory:

Advise Supplier that I want a UK Spec Vehicle and it will be exported to UK (Double Cab 110).

I guess that means I won't have to pay BPM & BTW in Holland but have to pay UK VAT when I get it back here.

Looking at dutch websites, I guess their prices already include their equivalent of VAT (which is neither BPM or BPW or have I got that wrong?) so I should be able to subtract that too?

I am a bit confused about our own VAT - I thought it was payable on all vehicles but companies can reclaim of commercials... However, I bought a 90 from a Franchise a few years ago and they told me that I had to pay VAT unless they fitted some windows in the back...

Any tips or suggestions from folk wiser than me, much appreciated!

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If you are importing a new car, BPM is not an issue. BPM is only issued when you register the vehicle in holland. I think BTW is deductable if you export. You would have to pay VAT (if required for a commercial vehicle) when it arrives in the UK.

Cars in holland are extremely expensive after adding BPM and BTW, and the roadtax about five times higher than in the UK, which is why they are cheaper before adding tax. I dont understand that the europeen union has not stopped this situation, but there you go, thats how things are at the moment.


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Maarten / Daan,

Cheers for that.. In which case, for what I have looked at so far, our cars are still 20% more expensive than yours :(

I wonder what bargaining power I will have in a Dutch Dealer for a UK Spec car..... Granted, it will be RHD but its not like they will ever see it again for warranty etc. :P

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Not sure how you calculated the cheaper price for a dutch car on the road in holland, but In holland this is almost certainly more!


Ah.. .What I meant was that a Dutch sourced car is cheaper on the road in the UK than a UK sourced car. Primarily as it can be purchased in Holland and exported without having to pay the Dutch taxes.. :)

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I have helped somebody in Hungary buying a brandnew Discovery. He bought one at last and he saved him self more then 7000 Euro's on the same car bought in Hungary.

I am not sure if the same would go in your situation but the company where the Hungarian guy bought his car told us that he sold more as 30% of his total to other countries in Europe. Also to the UK!!

Hope this is some help

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The advantage of Holland is that I go over quite often with work... If I booked a trip to Hungary, it would cost me! Cheers for the thought... :)

Hi Fatboy i think you mis understood me. I helped that guy buying a car here in Holland and then he exported the car to Hungary.

What i was trying to say is that this way he saved a lot of money

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