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200tdi Oil Presure

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Hi folks

Just finished fitting all my new gauges, service oil change etc and to see if its all working correctly (oil pressure gauge) can some one please tell me roughly what the oil pressure should be for a Defender 200tdi

At idle cold

At revs/driving cold

At Idle hot

At revs. driving hot

Thanks there.

(please note not connected in pic)


Just to add to this I am

Cold idle 32

Cold revs 62

Hot idle 16/18

Hot revs 30

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According to the manuals, 25psi at idle and 55psi at high revs, but mine has always given similar readings to yours, and that was following a full rebuild. Everyone else I got readings from also matched these, so yours are pretty normal.

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Hi, on My 200 TDi the oil pressure seems to be 10-15 at idle hot, and 25 running hot, today was the first time I got the engine properly hot, I just fitted the engine two weeks ago to replace the Izuzu that was in my 90.

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I did get about 5psi more at low and high rpm warm by removing the big washer from the oilstat. I does mean the oil gets slightly warmer, but it stay within the normal range on the gauge.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I thought TD5s had thinner oil than that, though I've never run one so am far from sure, but local temperatures may demand something thicker. I'd check the specified oil and go for a synthetic oil of the correct grade, rather than a cheap mineral oil of thicker grade.

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