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Basically, I ran the truck for a few miles with the earth to the rear of the truck, including the in-tank pump, disconnected. For "disconnected" read "severed by flailing propshaft".

The truck ran fine all the way home, but (obviously) wouldn't start the next time I tried it.

After reconnecting the earths, it made a noise halfway between a toddler humming through a straw into Ribena, and someone slowly killing a pig. I did a bit of reading, and came to the conclusion that this was it's priming noise, so followed the advise and turned the key to pos II, pushed the accelerator down 5 times within 15 secs (which tells the pump to run for longer to purge air), cranked for about 10-15 secs, and it ran.

However, the squealing toddler-pig was still living in the tank, whether or not the engine is running, and it won't restart after being left over night. Have I mullered the pump somehow, by pulling fuel past it when it was unpowered? Any suggestions of a cheap place to get a new one if so?


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Mr Robinson Sir....

My pump was quite loud some time ago and I took advice and changed my fuel filter.

Certainly quitened the pump down and it then ran normal...

Also... The prime sequence.... I assume you are letting the sequence run until complete before trying to start the car engine....

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Change the fuel-filter - something nasty and slimy may have been shaken loose from the inside of the tank during your prop-flailing incident, and found its way through into the filter.

The TD5 in-tank pump is actually a 2-stage thing - the low-pressure side lifts fuel from the tank and feeds it forward to the filter for filtering/de-aeration - then it goes back for a second time through the pump which boosts the pressure feeds it at high pressure forwards to the engine.

When I changed my filter I needed to run the purge-cycle several times to expel the trapped wind before the whining-and-bubbling finally quietened down.

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I had same problem with my car and did 2 things I found in Argentina's forum: took out the air bleed valve (in fuel filter housing) and put a hose between air bleed lead in the fuel pump and the fuel.... never have made another sound and never have failed again in the morning...

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