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TD5 Heater Fan / Vent Flap Vibration?


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In the last couple of weeks I have noticed a low frequency vibration when the heater fan is switched on.

It seems to be coming from the passenger side footwell.

The level of noise increases with an increased fan speed and when the fan is on top speed the vibration can be felt on the dashboard.

It sounds like either the fan itself has gone out of balance or a flap is rattling with the passage of air past it (that is if there is a flap in the above location).

One final point, when the fan is switched off there is a slight 'clunk' which sounds like a flap shutting.

Any help in identifying the problem would be really greatly appreciated including whether it is possible to get at the fan motor, etc. without dismantling the dashboard!

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Have a look inside the fan motor and I bet you'll find some debris like leaves etc. I had a piece of old scuttle panel foam filter in mine. Sounded like a bird chirping :) The motor is easily dropped out from under the glove box area once you've removed the cardboard filler panel.


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Thank you very much for your most useful tip, Bear.

This afternoon I've taken out the fan motor and just as in your case I found that there was a piece of foam that had become dislodged from somewhere under the scuttle and was causing the out of balance / vibration!

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Just one more question, Bear.

Sorry to be a pain!

What I found in the fan was piece of foam rubber which, from the marks on it, appeared to come from a vent flap.

Now, whenever the vehicle comes to a halt there is a 'clunk', ie as if a vent flap is closing.

This suggests that the foam rubber (when in its proper position) was previously acting as a 'buffer' thereby preventing the 'clunk'.

Do you have any idea where the flap is that is causing the 'clunk' and can it be accessed without dismantling the dashboard, please?

Thank you for your ongoing help.

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Sorry for the late reply (been away). Not delved that far into the system to be honest. If the sound was not there before then I suspect your right although I do hear the flaps operating on my D2. Another place to check is the heater inlet underneath the scuttle beneath the wipers on the n/s. I believe this should have a foam gasket round as folks have had leaks into the cab if not sealing properly.

Try and locate RAVE which is the workshop manual and explains everything.


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