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Go and buy a large blank rubber grummet - arround 30mm in diameter -- designed for say 3mm thick material and a good quality hole saw to suit and drill said hole in the botton of the bell housing, remove the pin and use a quality bond glue to fix the grummet into position, lest you attempt a deep river crossing with it simply pressed into position.

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Replace it. they have a habit of dying if they've been disturbed for any reason., you can get TRW ones on fleebay for not so many pennies.


Remove it, take it apart and clean it all up, and see if you can eek out a few more miles from it... I did this on the one in my 90 (fully alloy one), still seems to be going ok that was over a year ago. - I do however have a spare one on my shelf for that inevitable time it does fail...


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They can be hard to bleed in place due to the angle. As above, buy a new OEM, branded unit and also a flex hose.

The best way to bleed is connect it up to the hose and let it hang down. Then just open the bleed screw and gravity will do it for you. Then install to the clutch housing.

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OH just remembered! I had this problem for a wee while! turned out the bleed nipple was blocked! that truck really messed with my Zen that day. try taking the nipple out and seeing if the fluid flows out ok. when you open the nipple it should want to flow out with no encouragement....

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Thanks for the info so far.

Fitted a new slave cylinder, so I guess nipple should be clean. Tried several ways to bleed the clutch hydraulic system but it just will not bleed. When I say that, fluid comes out but the peddle doesn't have any pressure.

The strange thing is (well two strange things) fluid comes out of the plastic tube attached to the nipple but no bubbles, I don't know if that is significant. Also, there is splash back out of the reservoir, not come across that before.

Something else I have not come across is the pipework, one pipe comes from the reservoir and into a small cylindrical canister, then another pipe from the canister and into the slave cylinder, any ideas.



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